Points learnt from Java mock exams

a) To get the width of an applet within the init method:
int width = this.getSize().w;
int width=getSize().w;

b) int x = evt.getX();
returns the horizontal location to the varaible x at the time of the event.

c) You can't add ActionListener to a TextArea but can be added to TextField. You can't add WindowListener and ContainerListener to TextField

d) class Test{
static int a = 1;
public static void main(String arg[]) {
int a;

Even though there is a static variable named a, the local variable takes the precedence. So a compilation error occurs saying, 'a' may not be initialized

e) void loopTest() {
int x=0;
one: while(x < 10) {
two : System.out.println(++x);
if(x>3) break two;

will not compile because "two" is not associated with any loop

f) Panel p = new Applet(); //this is true
JPanel p = new JApplet(); //this is not true

see API for details.

g) byte x=-1;
x = x>>>5;
illegal because result of x>>>5 is int and can't be assigned to x which is byte.
it can be corrected as
byte x=-1;

int x=100; float y = 100.0f;
if(x==y) {System.out.println("equal");}//converts int to float
output :

byte b=2;
byte b1=3;

will not compile because before multipying both b and b1 will be converted to int and int can't be assigned to byte.

h)String s="Hello there";
String sub = s.substring(6);//sub="there"
String seg = s.substring(7,10);//seg="her";

creating a character array :
String s = "Hello there";
char[] arr;
System.out.println(arr[1]);//prints ""e"

creating String from character array :
char[] c={'H','e','l','l','o'};
String s = String.copyValueOf(c);

i)You can have any number of main method inside a class. You can also overload it. After all it is also a method. But remember that main is a static method.

class test {

   static int i[];

   public static void main(String arg[]) {

     System.out.println(i[2]); //gives NullPointerException



int k[][]=new int[10][20];
System.out.println(k.length); //prints 10
int k[][]={{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3},{5,4,6,4}};
System.out.println(k.length); //prints 3

l)Another way of initializing array
int num[] = new int[]{1,2,3};

m)Assigning one object to another (example from Thinking in Java)
1 Class Number {
2 int i;
3 }
4 public class Assignment {
5 public static void main(String[] args) {
6 Number n1 = new Number();
7 Number n2 = new Number();
8 n1.i = 9;
9 n2.i = 47;
10 System.out.println("1: n1.i: " + n1.i +
", n2.i: " + n2.i);
11 n1 = n2;
12 System.out.println("2: n1.i: " + n1.i +
", n2.i: " + n2.i);
13 n1.i = 27;
14 System.out.println("3: n1.i: " + n1.i +
", n2.i: " + n2.i);
15 }
16 }

1: n1.i: 9, n2.i: 47
2: n1.i: 47, n2.i: 47
3: n1.i: 27, n2.i: 27

Changing the n1 object, changes the n2 object. This is because both n1 and n2 contain the same reference, which is pointing to the same object.
Instead, if u change line number 11 to n1.i = n2.i;
The output will be
1: n1.i: 9, n2.i: 47
2: n1.i: 47, n2.i: 47
3: n1.i: 27, n2.i: 47

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