Problems Retrieving txt file using BufferedReader

I have some problem regarding my code.  I am trying to retrive data from a .txt file using BufferedReader. It is taking up to 100 lines and givime the exception ....

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Please any one of you give me the solution.   Its very urgent..............

Thanking you all


This is not because of reading the file and getting the data from it. It is only because of the SQL error. The problem could be

1. If you have not closed the prepared statement.

2. If you have not closed the result set

3. Finally if the database connections are not closed properly.
Try to close the db connection in the finally block rather than closing in try block. As the finally block will be executed at any cost and will close all the statements, record set and db connection.

4. Try to make use of the connection pooling .

I hope these points will help you in solving the problem.


I think this error because you are not closing the opened connection.
Make sure that 'objConnection.close(); ' is calling in your code.


Hi Pramod,

Thank you for your kind reply. I got my problem solved. I forgot to close statement before connection . Once again thanks for your co-op....


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