Help regarding database refresh

Is there a way for me to import to an existing database without having duplicate data?

This is the situation, we migrated the data from 7.3.4 to 8.1.7 few months ago. Then we installed Lawson on top of 8.1.7 database. It took us about 2 days to setup Lawson. Lawson creates its own tables and indexes and other objects. Now we want to refresh 8.1.7 database with our current 7.3.4 data.

I wanted to know if there is a way for me to refresh 8.1.7 database with out deleting everything. Our main concern is not to remove any of the Lawson objects.

I was thinking of running full import with ignore=Y but that is going to create duplicate records.

I am assuming you are using Lawson for Financial Reporting.

While loading the application you might have definetly created a user named "Lawson" to load all the app objects.  I would go with a conventional export compared to Full.

The reason is some objects coming from V7x may contain LONG datatype and while importing into your upgraded V8i the tables where LONG col is available will fail.  So its better to go by schema/user level (or combine several schemas together as one dump file) so that you won't waste time if there's a failure in any one schema.

Also make sure to change the COMPATIBLE parameter in your init.ora file.

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