Invoice Data From Account Payables To General Ledger

Once we transfer the invoice data from Account Payables to General Ledger, in which column we can find the data is transfered or not on back end?
Once the data is transfered to GL how to identify the data that has come from AP module and how to find invoive number in GL table?

About invoices, you can look at column POSTED_FLAG on table AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.
In GL, you will know that data came from AP because column JE_SOURCE on table GL_JE_HEADERS will be ‘Payables’
You can find the invoice number in table GL_JE_LINES, column REFERENCE_2

Do you know of a view or sql query that can tie back from GL to Payables at a detail transaction level. We are unable to do this currently. We have an urgent request from management to provide this. 


This query gives you back supplier name and the invoice accounting for a certain invoice:

select l.reference_1, cc.segment2,
l.reference_2, l.accounted_dr, l.accounted_cr
from gl_je_lines l, gl_code_combinations cc
where cc.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id
and l.reference_5 = '<your invoice_num'
and l.period_name = '<your period_name>'
and l.set_of_books_id = <your set_of_books_id>

ap_invoice_distributions_all.posted_flag only tells you whether the invoice is accounted in AP or not.

ap_ae_headers.gl_transfer_flag tells you whether the invoice transferred to GL or not.

If AX is installed then you need to look for ax_sle_headers.gl_transfer_flag

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