Registering Custom Applications on the 10SC Client

Use the following steps to register a custom application on the 10SC client.
These steps include creation of a custom directory structure and registration of the custom applications and custom objects.

Create the custom directory structure for all the applications on the client, and create the language directories.

Modify the oaconfig.ora file to include the new directory structure by adding the following lines:



Create a Custom Oracle User in the database.
To register the Custom Application with AOL, use the "Application Developer" or "System Administrator" responsibility. Navigate to Application, Register, and enter the appropriate values in the columns.
Use the "System Administrator" responsibility to register the custom Oracle ID with AOL. Navigate to Security, Oracle, Register; install group should be "0."

Install group "1" is used for Multi-Org applications.
Use the "System Administrator" responsibility to add the custom application to the STANDARD datagroup. Navigate to Security, ORACLE, Datagroup;
query up the STANDARD datagroup and add the custom application name.

Adding Messages to Applications Message Files

Release 10SC stores the messages in the FND_NEW_MESSAGES table.

To generate message files for Forms 4.5 forms, create the custom directory structure on the server, including a mesg directory. Run FNDMDGEN to create a custom message file for the client.


This will produce the required .msb file and copy this file to the client in the /mesg directory.

Adding a Custom Form to Release 10SC

You must use the TEMPLATE.fmb template form from the apps10\fnd75\forms\us directory to develop forms. Read the coding standards and user interface standards manuals before generating a custom form.

Generate the form and copy the .fmx file to the relevant custom application path /forms/.
Sign on to Release 10SC as "Application Developer GUI."

Navigate to Application, Form. Enter the name of custom form (without the extension) and the custom application against which the form should be registered. Enter the "user form name" and a description. The "function" screen picks up the "user form name."

Navigate to Application, Function, and enter the function name (standard naming convention is application shortname and form name). Enter the "user form name" in the "form" field. Enter the custom application name against which the form was registered, and a user-given function name. Enter "FORM" in the type field and a description of the function in the description field.

Navigate to Application, Menu, and query up the menu to which form or function should be added. Enter the sequence number, then enter the prompt that should appear in the Object Navigator. Enter the user function name in the function field and a description of the menu option.

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