To FTP using ABAP, you can have a look at the standard program 'RSEPSFTP'.
* * SAP FTP functions * * This sample program will logged into your Unix Server. * * Issue a Unix dir command * * Store the dir information in the Internal table and display it. * * Make sure you can telnet in to your SAP-UNIX FTP server first. * * Written by : SAP Basis, ABAP Programming and Other IMG Stuff * https://www.erpgreat.com * REPORT ZFTPSAP LINE-SIZE 132. DATA: BEGIN OF MTAB_DATA OCCURS 0, LINE(132) TYPE C, END OF MTAB_DATA. DATA: MC_PASSWORD(20) TYPE C, MI_KEY TYPE I VALUE 26101957, MI_PWD_LEN TYPE I, MI_HANDLE TYPE I. START-OF-SELECTION. *-- Your SAP-UNIX FTP password (case sensitive) MC_PASSWORD = 'password'. DESCRIBE FIELD MC_PASSWORD LENGTH MI_PWD_LEN. *-- FTP_CONNECT requires an encrypted password to work CALL 'AB_RFC_X_SCRAMBLE_STRING' ID 'SOURCE' FIELD MC_PASSWORD ID 'KEY' FIELD MI_KEY ID 'SCR' FIELD 'X' ID 'DESTINATION' FIELD MC_PASSWORD ID 'DSTLEN' FIELD MI_PWD_LEN. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_CONNECT' EXPORTING *-- Your SAP-UNIX FTP user name (case sensitive) USER = 'userid' PASSWORD = MC_PASSWORD *-- Your SAP-UNIX server host name (case sensitive) HOST = 'unix-host' RFC_DESTINATION = 'SAPFTP' IMPORTING HANDLE = MI_HANDLE EXCEPTIONS NOT_CONNECTED = 1 OTHERS = 2. CHECK SY-SUBRC = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_COMMAND' EXPORTING HANDLE = MI_HANDLE COMMAND = 'dir' TABLES DATA = MTAB_DATA EXCEPTIONS TCPIP_ERROR = 1 COMMAND_ERROR = 2 DATA_ERROR = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. LOOP AT MTAB_DATA. WRITE: / MTAB_DATA. ENDLOOP. ELSE. * do some error checking. WRITE: / 'Error in FTP Command'. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_DISCONNECT' EXPORTING HANDLE = MI_HANDLE EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. Fast Links:
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