How to write abap alv tree program?
Use the CL_GUI_TREE_MODEL, and when creating the object set the selection mode to cl_list_tree_model=>node_sel_mode_multiple. CL_GUI_ALV_TREE (ALV Tree Control)
You can look into BCALV_TEST_SIMPLE_TREE or if you are newer release of SAP, you can also look into SALV_DEMO_TREE_SIMPLE. SAPCOLUMN_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO demo program and rhinte20 program which includes a checkbox and checkbox_change event Please try program 'SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO', sample program of tree controls. BCALV_TREE_01 ALV tree control: build up the hierarchy tree
Here's a piece of code on ALV Tree :- add 1 to childnr.
add 1 to dateinr.
Here is your complete example of ALV Tree :- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZALVTREE * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZALVTREE . *Data Declaration *---------------- TABLES: ekko. TYPE-POOLS: slis. "ALV Declarations TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp, statu TYPE ekpo-statu, aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat, matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr, menge TYPE ekpo-menge, meins TYPE ekpo-meins, netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr, peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh, END OF t_ekko. DATA: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, it_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, it_emptytab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko, wa_ekpo TYPE t_ekko. DATA: ok_code like sy-ucomm, "OK-Code save_ok like sy-ucomm. *ALV data declarations DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_t_fcat WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: gd_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv. *ALVtree data declarations CLASS cl_gui_column_tree DEFINITION LOAD. CLASS cl_gui_cfw DEFINITION LOAD. DATA: gd_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree, gd_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr, gd_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader, gd_logo TYPE sdydo_value, gd_variant TYPE disvariant. *Create container for alv-tree DATA: l_tree_container_name(30) TYPE c, l_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. ************************************************************************ *Includes *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEO01. "Screen PBO Modules *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEI01. "Screen PAI Modules *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEF01. "ABAP Subroutines(FORMS) ************************************************************************ *Start-of-selection. START-OF-SELECTION. * ALVtree setup data PERFORM data_retrieval. PERFORM build_fieldcatalog. PERFORM build_layout. PERFORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING gd_hierarchy_header. PERFORM build_report_title USING gd_report_title gd_logo. PERFORM build_variant. * Display ALVtree report call screen 100. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form DATA_RETRIEVAL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Retrieve data into Internal tables *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM data_retrieval. SELECT ebeln UP TO 10 ROWS FROM ekko INTO corresponding fields of TABLE it_ekko. loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh FROM ekpo appending TABLE it_ekpo where ebeln eq wa_ekko-ebeln. endloop. ENDFORM. " DATA_RETRIEVAL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_fieldcatalog. * Please not there are a number of differences between the structure of * ALVtree fieldcatalogs and ALVgrid fieldcatalogs. * For example the field seltext_m is replace by scrtext_m in ALVtree. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELN'. "Field name in itab fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Purchase Order'. "Column text fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. "Column position fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. "Column width fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. "Emphasize (X or SPACE) fieldcatalog-key = 'X'. "Key Field? (X or SPACE) * fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. "Sum Column? * fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. "Don't display if zero APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'PO Iten'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'STATU'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AEDAT'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'PO quantity'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Order Unit'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Net Price'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7. fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CURR'. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PEINH'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Price Unit'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. ENDFORM. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build layout for ALV grid report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201). * gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'. * gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double * "click(press f2) * gd_layout-zebra = 'X'. * gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'. * gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'. ENDFORM. " BUILD_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_hierarchy_header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * build hierarchy-header-information *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_L_HIERARCHY_HEADER structure for hierarchy-header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING p_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr. p_hierarchy_header-heading = 'Hierarchy Header'(013). p_hierarchy_header-tooltip = 'This is the Hierarchy Header !'(014). p_hierarchy_header-width = 30. p_hierarchy_header-width_pix = ''. ENDFORM. " build_hierarchy_header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_REPORT_TITLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build table for ALVtree header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <-> p1 Header details * <-> p2 Logo value *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_report_title CHANGING pt_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader pa_logo TYPE sdydo_value. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader, ld_date(10) TYPE c. * List Heading Line(TYPE H) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'H'. * ls_line-key "Not Used For This Type(H) ls_line-info = 'PO ALVTree Display'. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Status Line(TYPE S) ld_date(2) = sy-datum+6(2). ld_date+2(1) = '/'. ld_date+3(2) = sy-datum+4(2). ld_date+5(1) = '/'. ld_date+6(4) = sy-datum(4). ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-key = 'Date'. ls_line-info = ld_date. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Action Line(TYPE A) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'A'. CONCATENATE 'Report: ' sy-repid INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY space. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_VARIANT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build variant *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form build_variant. * Set repid for storing variants gd_variant-report = sy-repid. endform. " BUILD_VARIANT |
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