Abap Object Oriented Programming Example

This is an abap object oriented programming example for you reference.

By: Rakesh

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*& Report  ZALV_Example_OOPS

report  zalv_example_oops.

* declaration of variables.
type-pools: slis.
tables: vbak,vbap.

*Global variables to be used for ALV Grid.

*--- ALV Grid instance reference
data gr_alvgrid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid .

*--- Name of the custom control added on the screen
data gc_custom_control_name type scrfname value 'CUSTOM_CONTROL' .

*--- Custom container instance reference
data gr_ccontainer type ref to cl_gui_custom_container .

*--- Field catalog table
data gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat .

*--- Layout structure
data gs_layout type lvc_s_layo .

*--- Flag to check validation - Initially set to S (Success)
data gv_valid_flag type c value 'S'.

*--- Flag to set the color of field VOREF - Initially set to F (False)
data gv_flag type c value 'F'.

*Internal Table declaration.
data: begin of t_vbak occurs 0,
    vbeln type vbak-vbeln,
    vbtyp type vbak-vbtyp,
    vkorg type vbak-vkorg,
    vtweg type vbak-vtweg,
    spart type vbak-spart,
    erdat type vbak-erdat,
    ernam type vbak-ernam,
end of t_vbak.

data: begin of t_vbap occurs 0,
      vbeln type vbap-vbeln,
      posnr type vbap-posnr,
      matnr type vbap-matnr,
      lgort type vbap-lgort,
      vstel type vbap-vstel,
      prctr type vbap-prctr,
      aufnr type vbap-aufnr,
      voref type vbap-voref,
      zmeng type vbap-zmeng,
      netpr type vbap-netpr,
end of t_vbap.

data: begin of t_output occurs 0 ,
      vbeln like vbak-vbeln,  "Sales Document number
      posnr like vbap-posnr,  "Sales Document Item
      matnr like vbap-matnr,  "Material njumber
      vbtyp like vbak-vbtyp,  "SD document category
      vkorg like vbak-vkorg,  "SAles Organisation
      vtweg like vbak-vtweg,  "Distribution Channel
      spart like vbak-spart,  "Division
      erdat like vbak-erdat,  "Record Creation date
      ernam like vbak-ernam,  "Person who created record
      lgort like vbap-lgort,  "Storage Location
      vstel like vbap-vstel,  "Shipping /Recieving point
      prctr like vbap-prctr,  "Profit center
      aufnr like vbap-aufnr,  "Order number
      voref like vbap-voref,  "Reference indicator
                              "(Color: Red if X else Green)
      zmeng like vbap-zmeng,  "Target quantity
      netpr like vbap-netpr,  "Net price
      comments(100) type c,   "Comments(Editable)
  end of t_output.

* Work Area
data wa_output like t_output.

*Selection Screen Display.
selection-screen : begin of block b1 with frame title text-h01.
select-options: s_vbeln for vbak-vbeln,
                s_erdat for vbak-erdat,
                s_ernam for vbak-ernam,
                s_vbtyp for vbak-vbtyp,
                s_vkorg for vbak-vkorg,
                s_vtweg for vbak-vtweg,
                s_spart for vbak-spart.

selection-screen : end of block b1.

*       CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION

class lcl_event_handler definition .
  public section .

*Double-click control
    for event double_click of cl_gui_alv_grid
    importing e_row e_column.
endclass.                    "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION

*       CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
class lcl_event_handler implementation .

*Handle Double Click
  method handle_double_click .
    read table t_output into wa_output index e_row-index.

* Display Sales Order on double click.
    if sy-subrc eq 0 and e_column-fieldname eq 'VBELN'.
      call transaction 'VA03' and skip first screen.
  endmethod .                    "handle_double_click
endclass.                    "lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION

* validation at Selection Screen.

at selection-screen.
 perform data_validation.

* Selecting data.
  if gv_valid_flag ne 'E'.
    select vbeln vbtyp vkorg vtweg spart erdat ernam
     from vbak
     into corresponding fields of table t_vbak
     where vbeln in s_vbeln and vkorg in s_vkorg
            and vtweg in s_vtweg
            and spart in s_spart and erdat in s_erdat
            and ernam in s_ernam and vbtyp in s_vbtyp.

    if not t_vbak[] is initial.
     select vbeln posnr matnr lgort vstel prctr aufnr voref zmeng netpr
        into corresponding fields of table t_vbap
        from vbap
        for all entries in t_vbak
        where vbeln = t_vbak-vbeln.

  t_output[] = t_vbak[].

  if not t_output[] is initial.
    loop at t_output.
      read table t_vbap with key vbeln = t_output-vbeln.
      move t_vbap-posnr to t_output-posnr.
      move t_vbap-matnr to t_output-matnr.
      move t_vbap-lgort to t_output-lgort.
      move t_vbap-vstel to t_output-vstel.
      move t_vbap-prctr to t_output-prctr.
      move t_vbap-aufnr to t_output-aufnr.
      move t_vbap-voref to t_output-voref.
      move t_vbap-zmeng to t_output-zmeng.
      move t_vbap-netpr to t_output-netpr.
      insert t_output index sy-tabix.

   if not t_output[] is initial.
   call screen '2000'.
      message 'No data fetched' type 'I'.

*  perform display_alv.
*       FORM display_alv                                              *

form display_alv.

  if gr_alvgrid is initial .

*----Creating custom container instance
    create object gr_ccontainer
        container_name = 'CUSTOM_CONTROL'
*      container_name = gc_custom_control_name
        cntl_error = 1
        cntl_system_error = 2
        create_error = 3
        lifetime_error = 4
        lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
        others = 6 .

    if sy-subrc <> 0.
*--Exception handling

*----Creating ALV Grid instance

    create object gr_alvgrid
        i_parent = gr_ccontainer
        error_cntl_create = 1
        error_cntl_init = 2
        error_cntl_link = 3
        error_dp_create = 4
        others = 5 .

    if sy-subrc <> 0.
*--Exception handling

*----Preparing layout structure
    perform prepare_layout changing gs_layout .

*----Preparing field catalog.
    perform prepare_field_catalog changing gt_fieldcat .

*----Here will be additional preparations

*--e.g. initial sorting criteria, initial filtering criteria, excluding

    call method gr_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display
* I_SAVE =
        is_layout = gs_layout
        it_outtab = t_output[]
        it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat
          invalid_parameter_combination = 1
          program_error = 2
          too_many_lines = 3
          others = 4 .

    if sy-subrc <> 0.
*--Exception handling
  else .
    call method gr_alvgrid->refresh_table_display
    finished = 1
    others = 2 .

    if sy-subrc <> 0.
*--Exception handling
  endif .

*--Registering handler methods to handle ALV Grid events
  set handler lcl_event_handler=>handle_double_click for gr_alvgrid.
endform .                    "display_alv

*       FORM prepare_fieldcatalo

form prepare_field_catalog  changing p_fcat type lvc_t_fcat .
data m_fieldcat type lvc_s_fcat .

*creating the field catalog manually
clear m_fieldcat .

m_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Document No.'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Document No.'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '2'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'POSNR'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Sales Doc Item'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Sales Doc Item'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '3'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Material Number'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Material Number'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '4'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VBTYP'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'SD Doc Category'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'SD Doc Category'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '5'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VKORG'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Sales Organisation'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Sales Organisation'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '6'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VTWEG'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Distribution Channel'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Distribution Channel'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '7'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SPART'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Division'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Division'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '8'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ERDAT'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Record creation Date'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Record creation Date'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '9'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ERNAM'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Record Created By'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Record Created By'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '10'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LGORT'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Storage location'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Storage location'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '11'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VSTEL'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Shipping/Recieving Point'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Shipping/Recieving Point'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '12'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'PRCTR'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Profit Center'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Profit Center'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '13'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'AUFNR'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Order Number'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Order Number'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '14'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VOREF'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Reference Indicator'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Reference Indicator'.

if gv_flag eq 'F'.
  m_fieldcat-emphasize = 'C500'.
  m_fieldcat-emphasize = 'C600'.

append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '15'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZMENG'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Target Quantity'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Target Quantity'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '16'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'NETPR'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'Net Price'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'Net Price'.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

clear m_fieldcat .
m_fieldcat-col_pos = '17'.
m_fieldcat-fieldname = 'COMMENTS'.
m_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_SALES'.
m_fieldcat-seltext = 'COMMENTS'.
m_fieldcat-reptext = 'COMMENTS'.
m_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.
m_fieldcat-tooltip = text-011.
m_fieldcat-outputlen = 50.
append m_fieldcat to p_fcat.

endform.                    " prepare_field_catalog

*&      Form  prepare_layout
*      <--P_GS_LAYOUT  text

form prepare_layout  changing p_gs_layout type lvc_s_layo.
  p_gs_layout-zebra = 'X' .
  p_gs_layout-grid_title = 'Sales Document Details' .
  p_gs_layout-smalltitle = 'X' .
  p_gs_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X' .

* If the field value of Reference Indicator(VOREF) is 'X' then the color
* in the output should be set as red, else green.
  loop at t_output into wa_output.

    if wa_output-voref eq 'X'.
      gv_flag = 'T'.

endform.                    " prepare_layout

*&      Form  data_validation
*       validate the data on the selection screen
*  -->  p1        text
*  <--  p2        text

form data_validation .
  data: v_vbeln like vbak-vbeln,
        v_erdat like vbak-erdat,
        v_ernam like vbak-ernam,
        v_vbtyp like vbak-vbtyp,
        v_vkorg like vbak-vkorg,
        v_vtweg like vbak-vtweg,
        v_spart like vbak-spart.

* validating the Doc number.
  if not s_vbeln is initial.
    select single vbeln from vbak into v_vbeln
      where vbeln eq s_vbeln-low.

    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-012 type 'E'.  " Invalid Sales Doc Number

* validating the Record creation date.
  if not s_erdat is initial.
    select single erdat from vbak into v_erdat
      where erdat eq s_erdat-low.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-013 type 'E'.  " Invalid Record creation date

* validating the Person who created the record.
  if not s_ernam is initial.
    select single ernam from vbak into v_ernam
      where ernam eq s_ernam-low.

    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-014 type 'E'.  " Invalid Person creating record

* validating the Document category type.
  if not s_vbtyp is initial.
    select single vbtyp from vbak into v_vbtyp
      where vbtyp eq s_vbtyp-low.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-015 type 'E'.  " Invalid doc category

* validating the Sales Organization.
  if not s_vkorg is initial.
    select single vkorg from vbak into v_vkorg
      where vkorg eq s_vkorg-low.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-016 type 'E'.  " Invalid Sales Organisation

* validating the distribution channel.
  if not s_vtweg is initial.
    select single vtweg from vbak into v_vtweg
      where vtweg eq s_vtweg-low.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-017 type 'E'.  " Invalid Distribution channel

* validating the Division.
  if not s_spart is initial.
    select single spart from vbak into v_spart
      where spart eq s_spart-low.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      gv_valid_flag = 'E'.        " validation flag set to Error
      message text-018 type 'E'.  " Invalid Division
endform.                    " data_validation

*&      Module  STATUS_2000  OUTPUT

module status_2000 output.
  set pf-status 'Z101756_ALV_OOPS'.
  set titlebar 'Sales Records'.
  perform display_alv.

*if the data fetched successfully for the selection criteria entered by
*the user,the subroutine to display the ALV grid output is called
endmodule.                 " STATUS_2000  OUTPUT

*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_2000  INPUT
*       text

module user_command_2000 input.
  if sy-ucomm eq 'BACK'.
    leave to screen 0.
endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_2000  INPUT

*&      Form  handle_double_click
*      -->P_E_ROW  text
*      -->P_E_COLUMN  text
*      -->P_ES_ROW_NO  text

form handle_double_click  using     i_row type lvc_s_row
                                    i_column type lvc_s_col
                                    is_row_no type lvc_s_roid.
endform.                    " handle_double_click */



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