How to change the 'Title' appearing
in SP01 against the 'Spool No'?
The name of the spool request has three parts (TSP01-RQ0NAME = ITCPO-TDDATASET, TSP01-RQ1NAME = ITCPO-TDSUFFIX1, TSP01-RQ2NAME = ITCPO-TDSUFFIX2) making up the Title or name of spool request value in Own Spool Requests. Here is how you can change the ITCPO data data: params like pri_params, valid(1) type c. get default params CALL FUNCTION 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS' EXPORTING NO_DIALOG = space IMPORTING OUT_PARAMETERS = outpara VALID = valid. *- Change the output parameter outpara-prdsn = 'Username'. outpara-plist = 'Time'. use Output parameter NEW-PAGE PRINT ON NO DIALOG parameters outpara. WRITE : / . NEW-PAGE PRINT OFF.
Or try this: concatenate tabd-file(3) tabd-file+13(2) tabd-file+10(2) '_' tabd-file+16(2) tabd-file+19(2) into title. submit ZZZZ12345 with p_mappe = title with pfile = tabd-file to sap-spool <b>list name title <b> IMMEDIATELY space keep in spool 'X' and return. *-- End of Program |
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