Display Active Exits in a ABAP
ZMS_ACTIVE_EXITS - This report shows displays the active exits in a ABAP system along with the corresponding SAP Enhancement (SMOD) and Customer Project (CMOD) *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZMS_ACTIVE_EXITS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& This report displays all the active customer enhancements in the *& system and also displays whether they are active or implemented *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZMS_ACTIVE_EXITS. * Data decleration types: begin of s_function, fname like MOD0-FUNCNAME, ftext like tftit-stext, impl, active, example, end of s_function. TYPEs : BEGIN OF display_str, project type modact-name, enhancement type modact-member, fm type modsap-member, status type char20, END OF display_str. data : lt_member type table of modact-member, ls_member like LINE OF lt_member, lt_fm type table of modsap-member, ls_fm like LINE OF lt_fm, lt_modname type table of modact-name, ls_modname like line of lt_modname, lt_display type TABLE OF display_str, ls_display like LINE OF lt_display, ls_function type s_function, field1(30). START-OF-SELECTION. * Select active customer enhancement. select name from modattr into ls_modname where status = 'A'. append ls_modname to lt_modname. CLEAR ls_modname. ENDSELECT. if lt_modname is INITIAL. WRITE / 'no active enhancements'. endif. * Determine the details about the customer enhancement. LOOP AT lt_modname INTO ls_modname. CLEAR : ls_display. SELECT member from modact into ls_member where name = ls_modname. select member from modsap into ls_fm where name = ls_member and typ = 'E'. ls_display-project = ls_modname. ls_display-enhancement = ls_member. ls_display-fm = ls_fm. clear : ls_function. ls_function-fname = ls_fm. perform get_impl_status USING ls_function. if ls_function-impl = 'X'. ls_display-status = 'Implemented'. ELSE. ls_display-status = 'Active'. endif. APPEND ls_display to lt_display. endselect. ENDSELECT. ENDLOOP. * Displaying results format color = 1. write : 'Please double-click on the object for follow-on action'. new-LINE. uline. write : 'Customer Project', at 30 'SAP Enhancement', at 60 'Exit Function Modul e', at 100 'Active/Implemented'. ULINE. format color = 0. loop at lt_display into ls_display. new-LINE. write : ls_display-project, at 30 ls_display-enhancement, at 60 ls_displayfm, at 100 ls_display-status. ENDLOOP. * For calling transaction CMOD / SMOD / SE37. at line-selection. get cursor field field1. CASE field1. WHEN 'LS_DISPLAY-PROJECT'. set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field sy-lisel(10). call transaction 'CMOD' and skip first screen. WHEN 'LS_DISPLAY-ENHANCEMENT'. set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+29(10). call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen. WHEN 'LS_DISPLAY-FM'. set parameter id 'LIB' field sy-lisel+59(30). call transaction 'SE37' and skip first screen. WHEN OTHERS. message 'Click on the right place.' TYPE 'I'. ENDCASE. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_impl_status *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * This FORM checks whether an EXIT FM is implemented or not *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form get_impl_status using p_function type s_function. data : l_mand LIKE tfdir-mand, l_incl_names TYPE smod_names OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE. l_incl_names-itype = 'C'. APPEND l_incl_names. CLEAR l_mand. SELECT SINGLE mand FROM tfdir INTO l_mand WHERE funcname = p_function-fname. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND l_mand(1) = 'C'. p_function-active = 'X'. * l_status-active = c_true. ELSE. p_function-active = ' '. * l_status-inactive = c_true. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'MOD_FUNCTION_INCLUDE' EXPORTING funcname = p_function-fname TABLES incl_names = l_incl_names EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc = 0. LOOP AT l_incl_names. SELECT SINGLE name FROM trdir INTO l_incl_names-iname WHERE name = l_incl_names-iname. IF sy-subrc = 0. p_function-impl = 'X'. ELSE. p_function-impl = ' '. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. endform. "get_impl_status*-- Madhur Shah (shah.madhur@gmail.com)
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