A Simple Tree Program:
*******start of code REPORT Ztree_TEST_PGM. Type-pools : fibs,stree. data : t_node type snodetext. data : node_tab like t_node occurs 0 with header line. clear : node_tab, node_tab[]. node_tab-type = 'T'. node_tab-name = 'Earth'. node_tab-tlevel = '01'. node_tab-nlength = '5'. node_tab-color = '4'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 3. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'Europe'. node_tab-tlevel = '02'. node_tab-nlength = '6'. node_tab-color = '1'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 4. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'Germany'. node_tab-tlevel = '03'. node_tab-nlength = '7'. node_tab-color = '4'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 4. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'Berlin'. node_tab-tlevel = '04'. node_tab-nlength = '6'. node_tab-color = '4'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 3. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'Asia'. node_tab-tlevel = '02'. node_tab-nlength = '4'. node_tab-color = '1'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 3. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'India'. node_tab-tlevel = '03-'. node_tab-nlength = '5'. node_tab-color = '1'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 3. append node_tab. clear node_tab. node_tab-type = 'P'. node_tab-name = 'Bombay'. node_tab-tlevel = '04-'. node_tab-nlength = '6'. node_tab-color = '1'. node_tab-text = 'Hello'. node_tab-tlength ='5'. node_tab-tcolor = 3. append node_tab. clear node_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT' * EXPORTING * INSERT_ID = '000000' * RELATIONSHIP = ' ' * LOG = TABLES NODETAB = node_tab * EXCEPTIONS * TREE_FAILURE = 1 * ID_NOT_FOUND = 2 * WRONG_RELATIONSHIP = 3 * OTHERS = 4 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. DATA: type_mapping TYPE stree_ctl_type_mapping_tab. DATA: wa_type TYPE stree_ctl_type_mapping. CLEAR: type_mapping[]. wa_type-type = 'A'. wa_type-icon = '@BL@'. APPEND wa_type TO type_mapping. *CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TREE_CONTROL_PREPARE' * EXPORTING ** CONTROL_PATTERN = STREE_CTL_GENERIC * CONTROL_PATTERN = 'PH' * ** HIERARCHY_HEADER = ** INITIAL_HEADER_WIDTH = ** LIST_ITEM_HEADER = * MULTIPLE_SELECTION = 'X' ** ITEM_SELECTION = STREE_FALSE ** SUPPRESS_NODE_ICON = STREE_FALSE ** SUPPRESS_FOLDER_ICON = STREE_FALSE ** CALLBACK_PROGRAM = ** CALLBACK_ITEM_DISPLAY = ** COLOR_MAPPING = * TYPE_MAPPING = type_mapping ** IMPORTING ** SUBSCREEN_PROGRAM = ** SUBSCREEN_DYNNR = ** EXCEPTIONS ** NOT_AVAILABLE = 1 ** OTHERS = 2 * . *IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. ** MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO ** WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. *ENDIF. * *CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TREE_SET_CURRENT_LAYOUT' ** EXPORTING ** CURSOR_COLUMN = 3 ** CURSOR_LINE = 2 ** FIRST_NODE = 1 ** FIRST_NODE_TYPE = ' ' ** LIST_COLUMN = 1 ** LIST_LINE = 1 ** LAYOUT_MODE = STREE_LAYOUT_NORMAL ** IMPORTING ** INCONSISTENT_LAYOUT = ** TABLES ** LAYOUT = * . CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY' EXPORTING * CALLBACK_PROGRAM = * CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND = * CALLBACK_TEXT_DISPLAY = * CALLBACK_MOREINFO_DISPLAY = * CALLBACK_COLOR_DISPLAY = * CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE = * CALLBACK_GUI_STATUS = * CALLBACK_CONTEXT_MENU = * STATUS = 'IMPLICIT' * CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAME = '1' * COLOR_OF_NODE = '4' * COLOR_OF_MARK = '3' * COLOR_OF_LINK = '1' * COLOR_OF_MATCH = '5' * LOWER_CASE_SENSITIVE = ' ' * MODIFICATION_LOG = ' ' * NODE_LENGTH = 30 * TEXT_LENGTH = 75 * TEXT_LENGTH1 = 0 * TEXT_LENGTH2 = 0 * RETURN_MARKED_SUBTREE = ' ' * SCREEN_START_COLUMN = 0 * SCREEN_START_LINE = 0 * SCREEN_END_COLUMN = 0 * SCREEN_END_LINE = 0 * SUPPRESS_NODE_OUTPUT = ' ' * LAYOUT_MODE = ' ' * USE_CONTROL = STREE_USE_LIST USE_CONTROL = 'L'. * IMPORTING * F15 = **********end of program .A list of other function modules that can also be used to construct tree reports: SEUT, Hierarchy framework RS_TREE_ADD_NODE Insert nodes RS_TREE_AUTOMATIC_REFRESH RS_TREE_COMPRESS Hide subtree(s) RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT Construct new hierarchy or insert subtree RS_TREE_CONTROL_PREPARE RS_TREE_CREATE Create hierarchy RS_TREE_DELETE_NODE Delete node with associated sub-tree RS_TREE_EXPAND Expand subtree RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_LAYOUT Get layout information for displayed hierarchy RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_NODE Get node at which cursor is positioned RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_ROOT Get current root node RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_TREE Get structure information for displayed hierarchy RS_TREE_GET_INPUT Get entires from input fields RS_TREE_GET_MARKED_NODES Get selected nodes RS_TREE_GET_MODIFICATION_LOG Get change log for hierarchy RS_TREE_GET_NODE Get nodes for specified ID RS_TREE_GET_NODE_BY_NAME Get node for specified node name RS_TREE_GET_PREDECESSOR Get preceding node RS_TREE_GET_SEARCHSTRING Get last search strinng RS_TREE_LIST Simulate hierarchy or subtree display RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY Display hierarchy RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY Display hierarchy RS_TREE_MODIFY_NODE RS_TREE_MOVE Reassign node with subtree RS_TREE_POP Get hierarchy from the stack and restore RS_TREE_PUSH Place hierarchy on the stack RS_TREE_RESET_LOCK Deselect node RS_TREE_SET_CURRENT_LAYOUT Set layout with marked cursor position RS_TREE_SET_CURRENT_TREE Set other hierarchy RS_TREE_SET_LOCK Select node RS_TREE_SET_NODE Change Nodes RS_TREE_SET_SCROLL_POS Position node at the beginning of the page RS_TREE_SLEEP RS_TREE_SORT_CHILDRENABAP Tips by : Rajagopalan C V |
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