How to delete an editor lock?
A user created an ABAP program and enabled the "Editor Lock" option in the Program Attributes screen. This setting restricts modifications to the program, allowing only the original user to make changes. The same user left the project a year ago, and now there is a need to update the program. However, when anyone else attempts to modify it, the system displays the following message: "The program is locked from any changes. Only the original user can change it." Issue: The "Editor Lock" setting is stored in the TRDIR table, but this table cannot be manually edited. Solution: The editor lock in an ABAP program is defined in the TRDIR table, under the field EDTX. To unlock the program, you must change the value of the field from 'X' (locked) to ' ' (unlocked). Here is an example program to unlock the editor lock for your program: REPORT sy-repid. TABLES: TRDIR. PARAMETERS: P_PROG LIKE TRDIR-NAME OBLIGATORY. START-OF-SELECTION. SELECT SINGLE * FROM TRDIR WHERE NAME = P_PROG. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. IF TRDIR-EDTX = 'X'. MOVE ' ' TO TRDIR-EDTX. MODIFY TRDIR. WRITE: /'Editor Lock was removed from', P_PROG. ELSE. WRITE: /'Program', P_PROG, 'does not have an Editor Lock'. ENDIF. ELSE. WRITE: /'No match found for program', P_PROG. ENDIF. Get help for your ABAP problems
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