Making a Java Editor in ABAP
and compiling it
It have two reports:
ZJAVACREATE: REPORT zjavacreate message-id zmsgnew. *************************Creation of Internal table******************* DATA: BEGIN OF ti_record OCCURS 200, Line(250), END OF ti_record. DATA: BEGIN OF ti_rec OCCURS 200, Line(250), END OF ti_rec. ******************************Selection screen************************* selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame . Parameters create radiobutton group g1. PARAMETERS: JavaName(30) lower case. parameters modify radiobutton group g1. selection-screen end of block b1. *******************Calling the java program creation page*************** at selection-screen. if CREATE = 'X'. if javaname is not initial. refresh ti_record[]. concatenate 'public class' javaname into ti_record-line separated by space. concatenate ti_record-line '{' into ti_record-line separated by space. Append ti_record. ti_record-line = 'public static void main(String []args){'. Append ti_record. ti_record-line ='//enter ur code here'. append ti_record. ti_record-line ='}'. Append ti_record. ti_record-line ='}'. Append ti_record. EDITOR-CALL FOR ti_record . else. Message e001. endif. ***************************Saving the java program********************* data tfile type string. concatenate 'D:\Programs\' javaname '.java' into tfile. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = tfile FILETYPE = 'ASC' TABLES DATA_TAB = ti_record. endif. data new(15). if MODIFY = 'X'. new = 'ZJAVAMODIFY1'. CALL TRANSACTION NEW. endif. ***************************************************************************************** ZJAVAMODIFY: REPORT zjavamodify. ***********************selection screen.********************* selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame . Parameters compile radiobutton group g1. Parameters modify radiobutton group g1. Parameters execute radiobutton group g1. PARAMETER : FILE(100) lower case. selection-screen end of block b1. DATA: BEGIN OF TI_RECORD OCCURS 1, LINE(200), END OF TI_RECORD. data: st1(30),st2(30). AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR FILE. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_FILENAME_GET' EXPORTING * DEF_FILENAME = ' ' DEF_PATH = '*.*' * MASK = ' ' * MODE = ' ' * TITLE = ' ' IMPORTING FILENAME = FILE * RC = . End-of-selection. ******************************************************************** *****************************MODIFY********************************* if modify = 'X'. data: TXT_FILE1 TYPE STRING . txt_file1 = file. **************FM GUI_UPLOAD CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = txt_file1 TABLES DATA_TAB = ti_recORD[]. **********End FM GUI_UPLOAD EDITOR-CALL FOR ti_record . **************FM GUI_UPLOAD CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = txt_file1 FILETYPE = 'ASC' TABLES DATA_TAB = ti_record. **********End FM GUI_UPLOAD endif. ********************end of modify******************** *******************BAT file for compilation n execution.**************** if compile = 'X'. DATA: begin of itab_bat_create occurs 0, row(500) type c, end of itab_bat_create. data:comp_join1(250). concatenate 'java' 'jCompiler' file into comp_join1 separated by space. itab_bat_create-row = 'c:'. append itab_bat_create. itab_bat_create-row = 'cd Documents and Settings\127740'. append itab_bat_create. itab_bat_create-row = comp_join1. append itab_bat_create. ********FM GUI_DOWNLOAD data: st type string. st = 'C:\Documents and Settings\127740\compile_java.bat'. call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = st filetype = 'ASC' TABLES data_tab = itab_bat_create[] EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_write_error = 2 others = 3. ********end FM GUI_DOWNLOAD *****FM dvsvas_doc_ws_execute_50 CALL FUNCTION 'DSVAS_DOC_WS_EXECUTE_50' EXPORTING PROGRAM = 'C:\Documents and Settings\127740\compile_java.bat'. *****end FM dvsvas_doc_ws_execute_50 endif. ************************end of compile******************************** ********************************************************************* *************************************** output*********************** if execute = 'X'. data: TXT_FILE3 TYPE STRING . split File AT '.java' into: st1 st2 . concatenate st1 'error.txt' into TXT_FILE3. **************FM GUI_UPLOAD CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = txt_file3 TABLES DATA_TAB = ti_recORD[]. **********End FM GUI_UPLOAD if not ti_record[] is initial. loop at ti_record. write:/ ti_record. endloop. else. data: TXT_FILE4 TYPE STRING . split File AT '.java' into: st1 st2 . concatenate st1 'output.txt' into TXT_FILE4. **************FM GUI_UPLOAD CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = TXT_FILE4 TABLES DATA_TAB = ti_recORD[]. **********End FM GUI_UPLOAD loop at ti_record. write:/ ti_record. endloop. endif. endif. ************************end of output**************************************** In ZJAVACREATE we have used the transaction new which is nothing but the transaction code for zjavamodify.Tips By : Ankit Sharma
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