1. In the case of screen exit, how is global data
accessed by the subscreen?
The developer uses preplanned function module exits.
2. In what case will an automatic upgrade take place using modification assistance assuming no name or layout conflict exist?
In the TOP include ZxaaaTOP and not in LxaaaTOP.
4. Identify the situations where Append Structure are not allowed.
User Exits.
6. What is a SD User Exit technically considered?
To log modifications made by a development user.
8. What is SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) used for? To register SAP modifications made by a developer
9. What is true about programming a screen exit? The screen type must be subscreen.
10. Where in program-exit does the customer code get inserted? In the include program that can be found in the function
module that corresponds to the enhancement component
11. A screen exit is used to add pushbuttons and table controls to a screen in an R/3 application. Customer (Z*) Ok-codes are assigned to those pushbuttons
in the Screen Painter. Customer Ok-codes should always be evaluated during
PAI of the main-screen. If this is not possible, e.g. the main-screen does
not provide a user-exit for Ok-code processing, Customer Ok-codes will
have to be evaluated during PAI of the Screen Exit. However, the OK_CODE
field of the main-screen is usually not available in Screen Exits and the
SY-UCOMM field cannot be used as it is not overwritten by blank Ok-codes,
such as scrolling in table controls (the use of the SY-UCOMM field can
result in repetitive execution of Customer Ok-codes). The actual Ok-code
can be obtained by calling system-function 'DYNP_OKCODE_GET'.
12. What is a keyword to look for to determine if a program exit has been provide? CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION
13. Which types of enhancements do not need to be assigned to an enhancement project?
User Exit
16. What objects are supported by modification assistance?
Check configuration to see if the proposed change is feasible.
19. What is true about the enhancement concept?
21. What type of function will trigger the modification assistance to insert a modifiable line range?
In a PBO module of the main screen.
24. If you noticed a function code in a menu that began with +, what type of exit would you be observing? A menu exit
25. How are customizing Includes created? Customizing transactions
26.How many modification logs are available in your system? maximum of 1 |
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