Have a requirement to create a 551 movement to do
a GI to scrap. However, since this requires a cost center I can't get BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE
to work. Is there any other function or BAPI to call to avoid doing it
via call transaction?
I have a program that has been working good for some time.
Here is the code. Check below:
* Structures for BAPI
data: gm_header type bapi2017_gm_head_01.
data: gm_code type bapi2017_gm_code.
data: gm_headret type bapi2017_gm_head_ret.
data: gm_item type table of
bapi2017_gm_item_create with header line.
data: gm_return type bapiret2 occurs 0.
data: gm_retmtd type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc.
clear: gm_return, gm_retmtd. refresh gm_return.
perform show_status using 'Scrapping(551) Material'.
* Setup BAPI header data.
gm_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.
gm_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
gm_code-gm_code = '06'.
" MB11
* Write 551 movement to table
clear gm_item.
move '551' to gm_item-move_type
move xresb-matnr to gm_item-material.
move p_bdmng to gm_item-entry_qnt.
move xresb-meins to gm_item-entry_uom.
move xresb-werks to gm_item-plant.
move xresb-lgort to gm_item-stge_loc.
move p_grund to gm_item-move_reas.
* Determine cost center per plant
case xresb-werks.
when '0004'.
move '0000041430' to gm_item-costcenter.
when '0006'.
move '0000041630' to gm_item-costcenter.
when '0007'.
move '0000041731' to gm_item-costcenter.
when '0008'.
move '0000041830' to gm_item-costcenter.
append gm_item.
* Call goods movement BAPI
call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'
goodsmvt_header = gm_header
goodsmvt_code = gm_code
goodsmvt_headret = gm_headret
materialdocument = gm_retmtd
goodsmvt_item = gm_item
return = gm_return.
if not gm_retmtd is initial.
commit work and wait.
call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'.
commit work and wait.
call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'.
message i013.
endif. |