The following are some the STRING command you can
used in your ABAP program.
SPLIT This function is used to split the given string value based an any separator and save in separate string variables. eg. code: DATA STR(30) VALUE 'SAP IS AN ERP'. DATA: S1(5), S2(5), S3(5), S4(5). SPLIT STR AT ' ' INTO S1 S2 S3 S4. WRITE :/ S1, / S2, / S3, / S4.
SEARCH This string function is used to search for the specified value in a given string. eg. code:
DATA S1(3) VALUE 'AN'. SEARCH STR FOR S1. WRITE :/ SY-FDPOS. sy-fdpos - is the system variable used to hold the
position of an alphabet in the string.
CONCATENATE This string function is used to add the different character type variables into one string. eg. code: DATA STR(30). DATA: S1(5) VALUE 'You Are', S2(5) VALUE 'IS', S3(5) VALUE 'GREAT'. CONCATENATE S1 S2 S3 INTO STR SEPARATED BY ' '. WRITE
:/ STR.
SHIFT This string function is used to move the string to the specified position (LEFT, RIGHT, CIRCULAR) based on the number of places specified. eg. code: DATA STR(20) VALUE 'ABAP IS IN SAP'. SHIFT STR BY 5 PLACES. WRITE STR COLOR 5. DATA STR(20) VALUE 'ABAP IS IN SAP'. SHIFT STR RIGHT BY 5 PLACES. WRITE STR COLOR 5. DATA STR(20) VALUE 'ABAP IS IN SAP'. SHIFT STR CIRCULAR BY 5 PLACES. WRITE STR COLOR 5.
TRANSLATE This string function is used to change the case of the given string value. eg. code: DATA STR(10) VALUE 'CHENNAI'. TRANSLATE STR TO LOWER CASE. WRITE STR. CONDENSE This string function is used to remove the blank spaces in the given string. eg. code: data str(30) value 'You Are GREAT'. CONDENSE STR. WRITE STR.
REPLACE This string function is used to replace the given string with specified string value. eg. code: data str(30) value 'INDIA IS GREAT'. DATA S1(10) VALUE 'WRITE'. REPLACE 'IS' IN STR WITH S1. WRITE STR.
STRLEN This string function is used to identify the length of the given string. Eg. code: data str(30) value 'You Are GREAT'. data len type i. len = STRLEN( STR ). write len. |
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