Explain the concept of foreign key.
Foreign key is nothing but simply we can say, "a field in one table related to field in another table". See the below example:- Consider, there are two tables like emp_personal and emp_official. In emp_personal table , the fields are empid, empname, dob for example. In this table, empid is the primary key field. In emp_official table, the fields are empid, dept, designation for example. In this also, empid is the Primary key or may not be a Primary key field. Now we relate these two tables using the foreign key relationship. Foreign key relationship is used to avoid the redundancy mainly. Now, emp_personal is the Check table (Because it holds the empid field, which has the primary key...) emp_official table is the Foreign key table (Because it holds the empid field, which may or may not be a Primary key). Now, the foreign key relationship is given. (click the KEY Like icon in ABAP Dict - Database Table : Emp Official ) Tables are ready to enter the records...for example create some 5 records in the emp_personal table . Table : emp_personal : Primary Key - empid empid empname
Records are saved in the table : emp_personal. Now, we are trying to create records in emp_official table. Table : emp_official : Primary Key or not a Primary Key - empid empid dept
designation Status
Now, if you try to create the record which is not in the table emp_personal, which has the empid = 6. But it'll not allow us to create the record 6, because of the foreign key relationship between these two tables.... 6 Dept6 P.M Record doesn't exist...... Now, the foreign key relationship helps us to avoid the
duplicate entry.
This is the concept of Foreign key. |
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