1) Two structures in Unicode programs
are only compatible if all alignment gaps are identical on all platforms.
a. True
Which is the correct answer? --- 2) What does the enhancement category
for a database table or structure do?
a. Makes a table Unicode-compliant
Which is the correct answer? --- 3) What must you specify in a Unicode system when opening a file in TEXT MODE? a. The ENCODING addition
Which is the correct answer? --- 4) Which you should specify in a non-Unicode system when opening a file in TEXT MODE? Select all that apply. a. The ENCODING addition
Which is the correct answer? --- Answers / Explanation 1) a. Two structures in Unicode programs are only compatible when all alignment gaps are identical on all platforms. This applies in particular to alignment gaps that are created by included structures. 2) b, c, d The enhancement category makes it possible to recognize and handle problems related to structure enhancements. This classification is used during the program check to create a warning at all points where it works with structures and where later structure enhancements can cause syntax errors or changes in program behavior. 3) a In a Unicode system, you must specify the ENCODING addition when opening a file (dataset). 4) b, c In a non-Unicode system, you must specify both the byte
order and the code page when opening a file (dataset).
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