User Status Controlled When Sales Order Created

How can a user status be controlled when a sales order is created?

Depending what is really required here.
I hope you define the status profile and assigned it properly in IMG.

If you want to set status in any of user exits - you can do it using the following code :

read status :

i_memory_id = 'BSVA_VBK_STATUS' 
others = 1. 
* No need to check the return code 

* Retrieve the user status internal table from memory 
import jest_buf to jest_mem 
from memory id 'BSVA_VBK_STATUS'. 
free memory id 'BSVA_VBK_STATUS'. 

* Check that the internal table jest_mem is filled 
if not jest_mem[] is initial.

change status here,

Then call FM :

call function 'STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN' 
client = sy-mandt 
objnr = vbak-objnr 
user_status = tj30t-estat. <<< the status you want to change.

Table :

- tj30t contains a link between status number
-- tj30t – the stat & status description 
--- tj30t-txt04, like 'FINR' shown in VA01,...

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