Many times a need arises for SAP Users and Functional
Consultants to generate quick reports without getting any ABAP coding done
– time taken to complete the coding in development, transport and test
it in QA system and then transport to production – is sometimes too long.
In such cases, ABAP/4 query is a tool provided by SAP for generating these
kind of reports.
Type of Report Desired: Before starting to write an ABAP query, its advisable to decide the type of report that the user wants. ABAP query provides the following type of reports: Basic List
Simple report
The output is always seen in the order of Basic List, then Statistics and then Ranked List if any. One ABAP query can have one basic list, maximum of 9 statistics and maximum of 9 ranked lists. In a nutshell, an ABAP/4 query can be designed in four
The various objects that form an ABAP query can be created
in the following 2 ways:
OR - By executing the transaction codes mentioned below: SQ01 ABAP/4 Query
Step I - Create Functional Area In the functional area section, the user indicates from which part of the SAP database the data is going to be retrieved and how the data is to be retrieved by the query. One functional area can be assigned to many user groups. A functional area can be created with or without a logical database. To create a functional area with a logical database, one has to mention the name of the database and then select the fields from the tables that form the logical database. ABAP Query Authorizations: To use an ABAP query, the user must have appropriate authorizations. Two ways of providing authorizations to the users are as follows: - User groups The user should be a part of at least one user group to run the corresponding ABAP query. This automatically restricts the access of the user to specific functional areas, and thus the corresponding underlying logical databases. - Authorizations The authorization object S_QUERY should be used to give proper authorizations to the user for a query. This authorization object has a field named ACTVT which can take values 02 for Change, 23 for Maintain and 67 for Translate. This value determines whether the user can create and modify the query. The possible authorizations in the object are as follows: S_QUERY_ALL
Change, maintain and translate query
Though the general concept of an ABAP query is moderately difficult, the results and the long term use of the ABAP query is worth the effort. |
See Also
Do you have a ABAP Question? ABAP Books
More ABAP Tips
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