Currently in the process of deciding the batch schedule
of our Alert jobs and were wondering if we need to schedule the report
/SAPAPO/AMON_REORG too to delete Alerts. We had confusion regarding the
1. The Alert macro already has a step to delete the old Alert by using Delete in context before creating a new one using Update in Context then why do we need the Alert Reorg report /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG. 2. There is another report /SAPAPO/AMODAL_DELETE which can be used for deletion of Alerts. Are there any benefits of using this report over the Reorg report /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG. Answer: There are different alternatives available to delete DB alerts (stored in /SAPAPO/AM_ALERT table). 1. Delete in context This action (part of alert definition) ensures that any existing DB alert within the selected planning horizon will be deleted before creating a new alert. Please note that planning horizon can be defined in background run (/SAPAPO/SNP01). This horizon needs be shorter than the period bucket profile defined for the data view. This alternative does not help in deleting the old alerts whose validity falls in past. 2. Report /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG A light weight process to delete the DB alerts. This will help to control the deletion old alerts by means of specifying an absolute date or number of days in past. 3. Report /SAPAPO/AMODAL_DELETE This report is not only capable of deleting DB alerts
similar to option 2 but also generates the statistics and hence, useful
for online alerts analysis (overview at application level).
Deletion of alerts by application In the background job, I am aggregating the data by Prod x Loc and Planner (planner is a nav attribute). We want to filter the alerts by Planner, which is a nav attribute. Is it possible or not?. If not, how can I display a nav attribute in alerts. We got SNP alerts and DP alerts. SNP alerts they delete every day using /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG. What alert application I need to select just to delete only SNP alerts. I tried ‘SD’ and didn’t work. Just for DP, Do I need to select FC? Answer: - From my understanding it is not possible to plan at nav. attribute level. This means: no planning, no alerts at nav. attribute level. - No nav. attribute in SNP at all. - You have different filtering in deleting alerts by running program /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG: filter onapplication (FC for forecast, SD for SNP, ...i.e.) - Filter on alert type and alert object. Figure out in simulation mode which filtering matches you requirement. |
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