In APO how the data is stored in Live cache (ie) in any table structure? In APO transaction data is not stored in tables like R3. If you want to view / check / extract transaction data then you will have to use standard BAPI's. These BAPI's are available for different kind of data like sales orders, manufacturing orders, stocks, planned independent requirements, etc In Live cache data is stored based on Time series and order series. You can extract the data through BAPIs. LC can store data in Order Objects (more relevant for dp and snp) or Time series (more relevant for forecasting and gat). LiveCache is one of the database used in APO system. APO system has 2 database APODB and liveCache. Generally master data and some other data are stored in APODB. And some part of transaction data (most of the part) are stored in liveCache. For APODB, you can use normal DB like Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, MAXDB. For liveCache, there is no choice. (liveCache is one of the function of MAXDB). From new SCM release, you can use MAXDB for APODB and liveCache. (But still there is 2 kinds of DB). If you have DB knowledge, maybe you can get rough image of liveCache. (Compared to normal DB, liveCache has more bigger datacache. So all data can be stored in dataCache. <Off course this require certain amount physical memory>). Since most of the data are stored in dataCache (it is better to be stored in datacache. Otherwise expensive disk access occur), APO application can access data speedily. (liveCache data is accessed by special routines that are called from function module start with /sapapo/OM*) LiveCache is often called memory based database. But actually it also has DB (disk). So same as other DB, DB(disk) has all data. And its copy is stored in dataCache (memory). The difference between other DB and liveCache is, it is recommended to store all the data in dataCache in liveCache, and if most of the data is stored in liveCache, this means data is on memory. Therefore liveCache is called memory based database. Notes: If you only want to see the data, some 'standard' livecache data is viewable using standard transactions. /SAPAPO/OM19 Livecache Browser /SAPAPO/OM16 Data Viewer If you want to extract or report this data, then you will need to enlist the services of a Livecache ABAPer. Also, do check on these tables: /SAPAPO/BWEXDSRC APO -> BW: Data Source - Extractor /SAPAPO/BWEXTRAC APO -> BW: Extractors for Transactional Data /SAPAPO/BWEXTRFM APO -> BW: Formula to Calculate a Key Figure /SAPAPO/BWEXTRIN APO -> BW: Dependent Extractors /SAPAPO/BWEXTRMP APO -> BW: Mapping Extractor Structure Field
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