Change Output Device Settings
At Runtime
We have a requirement to change output device settings
on the fly in a program. For instance, in case A, we would like to use
the output device as it was originally configured in SPAD. However, in
case B, we would like to override the output device's access method and
host dynamically in code.
By default you will get the output device which you have configured in SPAD. If you want different output device then you need to write write ABAP code and Pass the required output device during runtime. While calling the function module that is generated after creating the smartform you need to pass the Output device name to the control parameters and output parameters. Try out this.. The "wa_output_options-tddest = 'LOCL'." is the output device name.. p_output_options-TDCOPIES = 3. "number of copies. p_output_options-tddest = 'LP01'. "def p_output_options-TDIMMED = 'X'. p_output_options-tddelete = 'X'. p_output_options-TDIMMED = ' '. p_output_options-tddest = 'LP01'. p_output_options-TDNEWID = 'X'. wa_ctrl-no_dialog = 'X'. deactivate the popup window p_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'. "no dilog box p_control_parameters-preview = 'X'. "no preview wa_output_options-tdimmed = 'X'. wa_output_options-tddelete = 'X'. wa_output_options-tdimmed = ' '. wa_output_options-tddest = 'LOCL'. wa_ctrl-no_dialog = 'X'. CALL FUNCTION '/1BCDWB/SF00000154' EXPORTING ARCHIVE_INDEX = ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB = ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS = CONTROL_PARAMETERS = p_control_parameters MAIL_APPL_OBJ = MAIL_RECIPIENT = MAIL_SENDER = OUTPUT_OPTIONS = p_output_options USER_SETTINGS = 'X' IMPORTING DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_INFO = JOB_OUTPUT_INFO = JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS = wa_job TABLES wt_header = wi_itab1 wt_personal = wi_itab2 wt_payroll = wi_itab3 wt_absence = wi_itab4 EXCEPTIONS FORMATTING_ERROR = 1 INTERNAL_ERROR = 2 SEND_ERROR = 3 USER_CANCELED = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO
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