Most Frequently Asked Questions On EDI

1. Where can I get a list of the status codes in the system?

Execute transaction WE47 to get a list of the status codes. For each status code, you can also check details such as status text, direction, and whether archiving is possible. In some cases, this information is easier to see by using transaction SE16 to view table STACUST.

2. How do I remove IDocs from my system?

SAP provides standard programs to archive IDocs (RSEXARCA and RSEXARCB) and then delete them from the system (RSEXARCD).

3. I created an IDoc in the system that is in status 30 (IDoc Ready for Dispatch [ALE Service]). I do not want to send this particular IDoc to our business partner. How can I prevent the system from accidentally processing the IDoc?

Create a status file for the IDoc with a status code of 31 (Error No Further Processing). Use WE17 to import this file. This IDoc can also be archived.

4. How can I temporarily suspend EDI transmissions to a business partner?

Set the status of that partner in the General view of the partner profile to Inactive. This setting works for EDI partners (customers and vendors). It does not work for logical systems as used in ALE.

5. How can I temporarily stop sending purchase orders to a trading partner?

It depends on whether you have used a generic business rule (condition table) or a very specific one to propose EDI output. If you have used a very specific rule down to the vendor level, you can delete the condition record for that vendor. This action eliminates the automatic proposal and stops any EDI output for that vendor.

6. I created a purchase order, but the Sender field in the control record is empty. What am I missing?

The Sender field is populated from the Account at Vendor field in the vendor master.

7. A workflow task was started because of an error in the IDoc processing. How can I tell who received the work item?

The person to be notified is determined from the outbound or inbound record of the partner profile, depending on the direction of the process. If these records are not found, you use the general view of the partner profile to determine the person responsible. If a partner profile cannot be read at all, the EDI administrator is notified.

To bypass this lengthy process, you can execute transaction SWI1, enter W in the type field, and specify the approximate date and time when the process had the error. Locate the work item, and go to its detail by double?clicking the work item. Choose Goto, Agent, Selected Agents. This reveals the user who has the work item.

8. Can I delete work items for a specific user?

You can delete work items based on a user ID only if the user has been established as the "owner" of the work item. Until a user executes a work item at least once or specifically reserves a work item, a work item does not have an established owner. You can delete work items based on task, work item ID, date, time, and several other parameters.

9. How do I delete old work items?

SAP provides standard archiving and deletion programs to clean up work items. You can delete work items regardless of their status by using the RSWWWIDE and RSWWHIDE programs.

10. How can I tell how many IDocs are in error?

You can determine the number of IDocs in error in several ways. The IDoc statistics tool (WE07) provides a comprehensive picture of the state of the IDocs in the system.

11. How can I determine the IDoc number generated for a purchase order?

Go to the output control screen of the purchase order (Header, Messages). Click the output type, and choose Processing Log from the menu. The log displays the IDoc number.

12. How can I determine the purchase order number from an IDoc?

The purchase order number in an IDoc is stored in the E1EDK01 segment in the BELNR field.

13. I see two IDoc types that look similar, ORDERS01 and ORDERS02. What is the difference?

The last two digits in an IDoc type represent the IDoc version. ORDERS02 is a newer version that supports configurable materials. Each new version contains additional segments to support new functionality. (The current version is ORDERS05.) For instance, ORDERS04 added support for credit cards. Each new version is also a superset of the previous version, to maintain backward compatibility.

14. I see segments with names starting with E1, E2, and E3, such as E1EDK01, E2EDK01, and E3EDK01. What is their significance?

A name starting with E1 is the version?independent name of a segment type. By default, it points to the latest segment definition. A name starting with E2 is the version?dependent segment definition, and a name starting with E3 is version?independent segment documentation.

15. Can I assign multiple message types to an IDoc type?

Of course. In fact, SAP uses this technique for maintaining backward compatibility. For example, message type ORDERS is assigned to ORDERS01 and ORDERS02.

16. Can I use the append structure option to extend an SAP segment?

No, you are not permitted to use the append structure option to extend a segment. You should use the formal method of IDoc extension to create custom segments first and then include the custom segment in the
extended IDoc type.

17. A user who has nothing to do with ALE/EDI processes has several EDI?related work items in his or her Inbox. What's wrong?

This scenario is typically the result of assigning ALE/EDI error tasks as General Tasks and incorrect configuration for the EDI administrator.

18. Why can't I set certain work items in my Inbox to Done and get rid of them?

Those work items probably require a terminating event to mark their completion.  Work items generated for application errors (status 51) in the IDoc require a terminating event.

19. Can someone else execute the work items if the user who handles errors with ALE/EDI processes is on vacation?

This problem has several solutions.

Assign more than one user to the position that handles errors. This approach allows more than one user to receive work items, yet only one user can execute a work item at a time.

  • Set up backups in the HR module.
  • Set up Inbox views using evaluation paths.

20. Why does data transfer using ALE cause the receiving systems to hang?

When an ALE process transfers an IDoc to the receiving system, the IDoc takes up a dialog session on the receiving system. If numerous objects are being transferred and partner profiles have not been set to collect the IDocs, ALE processes might well have exhausted the dialog sessions currently available in the system.

This condition causes a considerable slowdown and eventually halts the system.

21. Why do I sometimes get a pop?up message saying that an update task was terminated?

In several outbound processes (especially the ones that use Message control), the task of generating IDocs is detached from the application processing. The IDocs are generated in an update task. SAP uses this method to speed up the update process. If one of the updates has an abnormal termination (usually the result of syntax errors in programs), SAP sends the update?terminated message. Execute transaction SM13 to examine the details.

22. I have written a user exit for the L_IDOC_CREATE_WMTOID01 program called in the asynchronous update task. Is there a way to debug IDoc programs that are called in the asynchronous update task?

Use transaction SM66. You must have authorization to execute this transaction and debug the programs. You don't have long between the time you create a transfer order and the time the system executes the IDoc generation program. The best option is to utilize one of the user exits and add some code to insert the delay in the IDoc processing. This gives you a chance to see an entry in transaction SM66 and then allows you to debug.

23. Why does data transfer using ALE cause background jobs to fail on the sending systems?

When an ALE process transfers an IDoc to the receiving system and encounters an error, the default behavior is to create a background job to retry the transmission later. If many objects are being transferred, the system exhausts all the background jobs. This problem occurs because of the default settings on the tRFC options in the RFC destination.

24. Can I get my work items in my e?mail client?

Yes. SAP provides a MAPI Service Provider component, which is available in versions 3.1G and newer.

25. Why doesn't the system archive certain IDocs?

Whether an IDoc can be archived depends on its status. You can execute transaction WE47 and change the default settings of the archiving flag for a status value to allow archiving. 

26. My organization has hundreds of vendors and customers. How can I build partner profiles without entering them manually?

You can either write BDC programs or use function modules specifically provided for creating partner profiles.

27. When I am processing inbound IDocs that are in error, why is the Process in Foreground button grayed out for some messages?

The inbound function modules for posting an incoming IDoc are programmed using either the call transaction method or a direct input function module. The system enables the Process in Foreground button for function modules that use the call transaction method. The button is grayed out in other cases because there is no provision to step through the screens.

28. How can I tell whether an inbound process uses call transaction or direct input?

Execute transaction BD51. Entries with 1 or 2 in the Input T. field and a check in the Dialog All. field use the call transaction method. Entries with a value of 0 use the direct input method.

29. How do I communicate with back?level versions?

You specify the IDoc version and the segment version in the partner profile.

30. How do I find the IDoc(s) linked to a business document?

While you are viewing the document in version 4.6, select System, Links from the drop?down menu. This also works the other way. While viewing an IDoc, you can see the linked document(s) by using the same drop down menu path. In previous SAP versions, use the menu path System, Services for Object, View Relationships, or access the link from the Environment menu selection for certain business documents.

31. IDoc user exits are not being accessed. How do I get them to work?

IDoc user exits are managed with transaction CMOD. In transaction CMOD, activate the project that includes the non?functioning user exits.

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