Problem: Getting repeated lock
overflow entries in SM12
log. Seldom seen 20 - 30 lock entries in SM12, but getting the overflow
error log in SM21. Update service is Active.
Attached the error log: 12:05:20 dbcipr1b_PR1_00 ENQ
45 000 SAPSYS GEA Internal lock administration error
Answer: Possible Reasons: The reasons for the lock table overflow are described in Note 746138 : 1.- The lock table is too small Parameter enque/table_size determines the size. Ensure is changed in the right instance (ASCS when standalone enqueue server is used or Central instance ) 2.- An application sets many locks. The maximum size for enque/table_size is 102,400. This is set in table serTPFYPROPTY. Tests have shown that an enque table larger than this can cause many serious performance problem because the ENQ process(es) cannot for that application.process the volume of locks. 3. Update process hangs.
To Do Checklist: 1) First check the user who has caused the issue. For this go to following path: /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance_directory>/work/ Check the file "ENQHISOVR" Check last 10 lines of this file. You will get the users and the transactions that caused the issue. 2) Check with the user what was he doing with the transaction 3) If its occurring frequently, try to increase lock table size by another 20,000 4) Further, you can also configure
CCMS alerts by setting a threshold to 80%. To warm you before the issue
of Lock Table Overflow.
Personal Experience: The issue was because of a background job that was trying to process thousands of Idocs, as a result it was placing locks on table EDIDC. We review the program logic and suspended the background job from execution. |
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