Explain the structure of the application server.
Dispatcher - DPMON
Dispatcher receives the request and processes them according to the queue. The requests are processed by using a dialogue process. Dialogue process is the only process that interacts with/ communicates interactively with the user. There should be at least 2 Dialogue process per instance. Each process requires 75MB to 150MB of memory on any average. The memory should be calculated after reserving memory for OS and the Database. Eg: 4GB RAM: 1 GB reserve for OS and DB
Min and Max up to 40 Processes, but depends upon how heavy the processing goes.. If a reporting user requires 3GB of memory then there will be a memory bottleneck. The maximum number of work process an instance can support is W0 to W99 (100 Work processes). There are cases where more than 100 are configured but it is not recommended. If the system supports more than 100 processes then it is better to configure one more instance on the same server differed by the instance number. * The work process are configured by the parameter rdisp/wp_no_dia = XX For an Ideal Instance the sum of the Dialogue processes should more or less equal to non-dialogue process (unless a reporting server, which needs only dialogue) The dialogue response time should be around 600 to 1000 Milliseconds (1 Second) Each dialogue process is restricted by using a parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time = 600 s (10 Minutes) after which the process will be timed out. In order to run the activities that consume more time then the above we need to run in the background mode or increase the parameter value from RZ11 (Dynamic parameter) i.e. during the month end the parameter can be changed to 1800 - 10000 from RZ11 for specific period of time. Upon task completion reset the value in RZ11 (No system restart is required) |
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