I have 3 clients under one SID (dev 130,140,150).
And we have more than 400+ transport requests in client 130. How can we transport these requests to other clients of 140 & 150. If I want to use tcode SCC1, that can be done only one tran. request at one time. Do I need to write a script within unix? SAP 4.6C
--- Try STMS.
Ronald Ramos But this will import all request.....thousands of them... Mohd Zainizam You can use Extended Transport Control. Extended Transport Control is another way to set up the Transport Route so that the route is system and CLIENT specific. In other words, when you release a change request in DEV Client 0XX it will not only automatically be added to the Import Queue for QAS but also 0X1, 0X2, of DEV. To set this up requires the steps below: 1) Open the file TP_DOMAIN_DEV.PFL (located on your transport domain controller such as the DEV box. The file will be in usrsaptrans/bin) Edit with notepad for each parameter on each system: DEV/CTC = 0 Change to =1 2) Next you need to create Target Group before creating the transport route. Create a Target Group:
> Configuration > Display Change > (or change icon or F5) Edit > Transport Target Groups > Create In the dialog box, Create Target Group:
...and a description Targets for Consolidation route Choose "Insert line"
The idea is that we want to include the clients that will get an addition to their import queue when we release a change request from DEV. Choose Transfer
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes > Create > Extended Transport Control icon at lower left of dialog box. > Consolidation route, enter integration system and transport layer. In Target system/client enter the SID of either an R/3 System and a client or an existing Target Group. Each System must be specified by System and Client. The Target Group can be used for the consolidation system. Distribute and activate the changes as usual by choosing Configuration > Distribute and activate NOTE: After you set up Extended Transport Control there might be requests in an import queue that will show a red status in the CTL column. This is because these change requests need a client specified before they can be imported. These are old requests that were already in the queue. From Import Queue Screen Mark the change request Choose Request > Target Client > Set Enter the Target Client ID and choose Enter. To change a target client before starting an import:
Hope this helps. Good luck! |
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