What does it
take to gain entry into the fascinating and lucrative world of SAP HCM?
A successful interview.
In fact, for contracting
jobs, all it takes is a half-hour telephone interview before you get your
first break. Though the interview procedure is more drawn out for permanent
jobs, there is normally only ever one technical interview. A successful
interview can provide you with that break, which will be the first step
to a career in the SAP world.
So, what are the
interviewers looking for? For an associate-level position (less than 2
years of project experience), here is what the interviewers typically look
Decent overall knowledge
Deep knowledge in at
least one or two areas (e.g., Payroll, Recruitment, etc.)
Ability to work in a
team environment (as you are a junior, you will probably be working as
part of a larger team)
Ability to find relevant
technical information (with HCM being so broad, no single consultant is
reasonably expected to know everything. However, you should have the skills
to find out more wherever required)
The kind of questions
asked at the associate-level interview are less about tables and fields
and more about your approach to a project issue or a support issue. This
is something that can only come with experience or if you receive some
coaching from experienced consultants.
So, would you like some
insider knowledge of what kind of questions are asked in an actual SAP
HR interview and what kind of response gets you the green light? By reading
this book!
Table of Contents (Sample Questions)
Question 1: Mention some of the most important
infotypes in Administration.
Question 2: What are important transactions
in SAP HCM Personnel Administration?
Question 3: How can you describe the e-Recruitment
process using SAP?
Question 4: With which SAP HCM modules
is e-Recruitment integrated?
Question 5: What is ECM in SAP?
Question 6: What is the reason for running
the Compensation process?
Question 7: Explain the difference between
delimiting and modifying a record in SAP.
Question 8: What are Dynamic Actions? Give
a few examples. What are the infotypes you used in them?
Question 9: Work schedules determine what
four pieces of information?
Question 10: When would you use time working?
Question 11: Under what conditions can
you use Fast Entry?
Question 12: How can you create a report
to read Infotype 105 (Communication Infotype) and produce a report with
two fields: USERID and Personnel Number?
Question 13: What is the process for uploading
a photo in employee data?
Question 14: Can we change the selection
of the infotype fields used in "Free search" in Object Manager and collective
Question 15: Who is the personnel administrator
responsible for moving an employee from one personnel area to another,
and what authorization is required?
Question 16: Which data maintained in Management
are not integrated into the administration? What is causing this issue?
Question 17: You want to change the payroll
area of an employee, but the system does not permit this. How can this
be resolved?
Question 18: What are technical characteristics
Question 19: How should an employee's seniority
be determined when it is not simply based on the last hire date?
Question 20: If in an infotype, the key/bank
account is the IBAN, is it updated automatically?
Question 21: Can you configure Infotype
2001 to record absence days' field?
Question 22: How can you get the transaction
for different types of reports in the EMPLOYEE LIST folder?
Question 23: What kind of reports—SAP Query
or otherwise—would you prefer for HCM and why?
Question 24: In which areas are administrators
Question 25: What steps are involved in
transitioning an applicant to an employee in SAP?
Question 26: What is an employee's place
in each of the SAP HCM structures?
Question 27: What is the importance of
SAP HCM infotypes?
Question 28: When users run PA30, PA20,
or PPOSE/PPOME, there is a significant delay. Could this be due to a long
hit list of employees? How can this be fixed?
Question 29: A new OM object is required
by a customer. It has to be assigned to a range for easy usage. What are
the steps to complete this task?
Question 30: Due to requirements, a new
personnel area should be created in the HCM system. What are the steps
for completing this?
Question 31: Is it possible to maintain
explanatory text for a custom field when the user clicks on F1 for information?
Question 32: There is a business requirement
for an action by configuration. How can this be performed?
Question 33: Many companies need to make
payments directly from employees' salaries to third-party companies (e.g.,
charitable donations, medical insurance payments). How can this be set
Question 34: What is the feature used in
Customizing for the Web to store different regulations for employee groups,
and how can these regulations be displayed?
Question 35: If you undertake the task
on SAP using the same input, what will be useful to set up?
Question 36: Multiple Employments, or Concurrent
Employments, can often be challenging for organizations with SAP. What
are important facts related to concurrent employments?
Question 37: What are the steps to add
a new holiday to the public holiday calendar?
Question 38: When you archive old data,
it is not lost but kept for historical evaluation. The system records a
specific period of validity for each infotype, enabling it to store more
than one infotype record at the same time, even if their validity periods
overlap. What concept enables this?
Question 39: Is it possible to create custom
IMG paths?
Question 40: You need to check if an item
has reached a user's inbox. How can you do this?
Question 41: Can leave requests be checked
via the backend?
Question 42: What are PA40 personnel actions
and how are they used?
Question 43: Can warnings for leave requests
be deactivated?
Question 44: What are the steps for creating
a key?
Question 45: You created an ad hoc query,
extracted the data you needed, and now you don't want other users to have
access to change it. Is it possible to lock this query for use only by
Question 46: The organizational key is
a 14-character field restricted to a combination of certain fields of the
organizational assignment infotype. How can this data be used?
Question 47: An employee can be deleted
using a specific transaction. Is there another way to do this, for example,
through another transaction?
Question 48: What is the purpose of the
ad hoc query tool and how can it be accessed?
Question 49: Can a custom field be added
to the fast entry transaction?
Question 50: Standard text messages are
used in Personnel Administration and Payroll. How can these be created
in SAP?
The rest of the Questions and Answers
are found in the book.
Why should you
buy this book?
Current questions that
are being asked in interviews TODAY
Every single question
is based on project knowledge and personal experience
Divided into functional
areas for easy reading
Covers the most important
concepts and configuration settings
Focuses on business
Some unique features
of this book:
The questions are ACTUAL
questions asked in some of the regular interviews conducted by companies
like Accenture and IBM. (How do we know? Because we conduct some of these
The questions available
on 'Google' are almost never asked in a 'real' interview. This book contains
questions that are NOT available anywhere else.
The authors have a combined
experience of over 25 years in SAP HR.