1. SAP Exit - is contained in variables
that are delivered with SAP BW business content.
2. For Metadata, Master Data and Transaction data you can define and even link one or more documents in various formats, versions and languages. 3. You can store the individual files either on SAP database or an external content server using an HTTP interface. 4. To Link one document from any document class to another document without actually linking physically you have to save both documents in a format that supports hyperlinks such as HTML, MS Word and MS Excel. 5. You can define documents for BW objects - Infoobjects, Infocube, Infoset, ODS object, Query. 6. The functions in the Exception reporting enables you to select and highlight unusual deviations of key figures in a query. 7. An apostrophe after a value means multiple by 1000, two apostrophe means multiply by Million, three apostrophe means multiply by Billion - 1' = 1000. 8. You can assign your own color symbols. Choose format -> patterns. 9. You have to list all characteristics that you defined in the cell restrictions in the drill down of the report to take exception effect. 10. You can define several exceptions on a query for different value assignment. If the threshold value areas overlap when you activate several exceptions, the worst (Highest) alert level counts. 11. You can delete a condition from the context menu if you create the condition in the web application itself. 12. In Adhoc Query Designer you cannot use variables in the query definition, Only one structure can be used for key figures in rows or columns, cannot create reusable structures, reusable restricted key figures or reusable calculated key figures. 13. Pre calculated Web Queries make the results available and hence end users do not have to wait long time when they execute the report and can analyze the results immediately. 14. The Disadvantage of this approach is query result is determined at the time of precalculation and thus current state of the data is not shown. 15. The access time is significantly reduced with the precalculated web templates(PCWT) without having to execute the OLAP query. 16. By using the PCWT, the data is not requested at the run time of the query by OLAP, instead requested only by HTML enabled portion of query to be produced. 17. PCWT uses the document and content management service of SAP content management framework for the administration of HTML and related MIME documents. 18. The optional parameter DATA_MODE determines the data mode that is used when the web templates are called. 19. This Parameter also specifies whether the PCWT is executed in the background or whether just the HTML options are accessed. 20. If the DATA_MODE is not indicated, data access is given to the OLAP processor which reads the current data. 21. To call a web template with a certain mode, you must extend the URL produced by the Bex Web Application designer to include the parameter. 22. DATA_MODE = STORED - The system accesses the pre calculated data exclusively, If no data available you will receive an error message. 23. DATA_MODE = HYBRID - The system uses the precalculated data. If no precalculated data presents the system request current data as in NEW mode from OLAP. 24. DATA_MODE = STATIC - The system will access available pre calculated HTML options, If no data you will receive an error message. 25. DATA_MODE = STATIC_HYBRID - The System uses the Precalcualted HTML options. If no precalculated HTML are present the system looks to STORED mode precalculation data. If no precalculated data is present, the system requests current data in new mode from the OLAP. 26. Control query is an auxiliary query which is implemented before the queries is web template. The result of the control query is used to set parameter for web template. 27. Control query is recommended if you have several computed web templates which differ only by filter values in one step. 28. Implement pre calculated values when - with target group analyses because you assign a fixed value. 29. Implement pre calculated values when - with complex selections to improve query performance. 30. Implement pre calculated values when - in place of variables which are filtered from a query result. 31. The query must serve as a characteristic for that variable or as a substitute. The characteristic must be included in the result query. 32. SAP Enterprise portal(SAP-EP) enables you to access applications from other systems and sources such as internet or Intranet to reach both structured and Unstructured information. 33. Can use iView concept to integrate SAP BW applications and bring individual web applications from SAP BW as iview into SAP-EP. 34. The unification concept for the SAP-EP enables you to directly set contents from SAP BW systems with contents from other or internet in relation to other. 35. With Drag & Relate you can link data together across system boundaries in order to obtain additional information. 36. The Portal content studio provides a central environment for developing and managing different types of portal content such as iViews, pages, layouts, roles. 37. Worksets let you bundle iViews and pages in folder hierarchies like for roles. Worksets represent generic, reusable structures. 38. Portal Content Directory (PCD) is the central storage mechanism of the portal. It stores data from portal content objects such as roles, pages, worksets. 39. You can also generate links in knowledge management in the portal roles view. 40. If you select a folder below knowledge management(KM) navigation iViews, this folder becomes a folder in KM and the system generates a link in knowledge management. 41. The Objects from ABAP based systems do not need any post processing in the portal. They are converted to portal objects when they are uploaded. 42. If you are publishing iViews in the enterprise portal using the Bex Web Application designer or Bex query designer, these iViews are Drag & Relate target objects by default and can therefore be selected as targets in other iViews. 43. Drag & Relate function does not replace the report - Report Interface (RRI) function. 44. Bex Information Broadcasting allows you to make objects with business intelligence contents available to a wide spectrum of users according to requirement. 45. Use Bex broadcaster to precalculate Bex web applications, queries and workbooks and publish them in SAP-EP or distribute them by e-mail. 46. If an e-mail address for a user you have specified under user in role has not been maintained in user maintenance, user will not receive the file by e-mail. 47. Instead user gets a message in the business work place. 48. Transfer Navigational state means the system generates a bookmark without data and then takes this bookmark into account when it generates precalculated documents or the online link. 49. If you have selected Online Link to current data as the output format, the variable assignment is attached to the URL. When the reciepent calls up online link, the query or web application is started with these variable values. 50. With the help of RRI user can jump from a report into another report in order to get detailed information aboout an item. 51. With RRI, you can link reports containing different characteristics of an application. This makes it possible to report on more objects. 52. With RRI, connect reports that were created in different application classes. 53. Bex Maps can be used to visualize economic connections and distributions. 54. Maps of different degrees of detail can be layered on top of each other by different levels of characteristic values. 55. Bex Map advantages - Complete integration with SAP BW, Linkage of geographic analysis with SAP BW functions, Execution of Bex Maps in queries possible after maintenance. 56. There are four types of Geo-Characteristics - Static, Dynamic, Dynamic with values as attributes and Static with geo characteristics. 57. Static geo Characteristics - Characteristics that do not change over a long period of time (Ex: Country, State, region ..) 58. Dynamic geo Characteristics - Characteristic that are subject to change (Ex: Customer, Sales Office..) 59. Dynamic geo characteristic with values as Attributes - characteristic subject to change and whose geo coordinates are derived from a referenced static geo characteristic with geo attributes. (Ex: Customer referenced with postal code). 60. Static geo Characteristics with geo attributes - Static geo characteristic are enhanced with geo coordinates to determine geographic location.(Ex: postal Code). 61. Under any circumstances do not change the order of the entries in the attribute table, for ex: sorting, deleting. If you change the order the attribute table would no longer agree the index and the geometry files. 62. You can use a Query in the web Application designer as a data provider for Web Items and in a tabular display in crystal reports as a data source for formatted reports. 63. Master data reporting is available through Infoset and Characteristics with Master data. 64. 4 Dimensions are displayed if you use an Infoset made of ODS and Characteristic InfoObject. 65. You can create the calculated Key Figure at Infoprovider level and Query Level. 66. Structures can be used in several queries for the same Infoprovider. 67. Variables defined in the Query designer are available in all Infoproviders for use in the Query definition. 68. You enter a default value when you create the variable. This default value is then displayed for input enabled variables in the input field of the variable screen. For fields that are not input enabled, the default value is used as the variable value. 69. You can activate the exceptions in the Report. 70. If you want to use exceptions selectively on specific key figures in your query definition, you have to define an exception for each key figure accordingly. 71. In Exception you can set the Alert colors red, yellow and Green. You change the colors from BW tool bar. For web applications the format is stored in MIME. 72. In the Restriction tab page you can specify whether a restriction with regard to the use of the exception applies only to totals or all values. 73. You can change, create, activate and Deactivate exceptions using a list of exception web items, when you execute the report on web. 74. You can Delete an exception in the web from the context menu only when you created the exception in Web Application only. 75. You can define several exceptions on a query for different value assignment or for different versions. 76. By Defining condition you have the option of analyzing the query results in more detail. You can analyze combination of characteristics using ranked lists, there by displaying your 10 best customers by sales Revenue. 77. You can define multiple conditions for a query and then activate, deactivate them in the report itself to create different views of the data. 78. If the Condition has active status, the condition is used in the report as soon as you execute the query. If active flag is not set, you can activate the condition in the report itself. 79. You can set conditions for all characteristics, single characteristics and characteristic combination in the report drill down, i.e. in the results area in Bex Analyser. 80. If you restrict conditions for a report to a characteristic or a combination of characteristics, you have to ensure that the characteristic or combination is integrated into the report drill down for the restriction defined to take effect. 81. The Condition related to a characteristic that is included through the activation of another condition , leading to collision and is therefore deactivated. You can reactivate the condition and deactivate the last condition activated. 82. If you activate a condition for a combination of characteristics, the results row no longer displays. 83. If report executed on webm you can create, change, activate, deactivate conditions using list of condition web item. You can delete a condition in context menu if you have created the condition in the web application itself. 84. You can use the webitem Adhoc Query Designer to create a new query or to change an existing query. 85. Use Adhoc query designer you can create queries for all infoproviders, execute query without saving. 86. You cannot use variables in the query definition in Adhoc query designer. Only one structure can be used for the key figures. Cannot create reusable global structures. 87. You can edit the existing queries if none of above mentioned points were used. 88. Precalcuated Web templates are static in nature and hence no additional drilldown is permitted on those templates. 89. The basis for the data transfer for the mobile applications is WAP( for WAP enabled devices), HTTPS & HTML(for PDA's) Compact HTML(cHTML - i-mode enabled). 90. SAP Enterprise portal lets you retrieve data from information sources in your company and on the internet through the use of mini programs called iViews. iViews can access Documents, e-mail, web sites, intranets and data in enterprise applications. 91. Portal content studio is the central environment in the enterprise portal for creating and managing portal content. You can use it to edit iViews, portal pages, layout of portal pages, portal roles, worksets. 92. Bex Analyzer is the platform for creating and editing BW workbooks. 93. You are able to integrate content from SAP BW into the enterprise portal using SAP role upload. 94. Role upload is a function that you can use for the following scenarios. 95.
96. The uploaded objects are converted in Portal objects. 97. Bex Broadcasting allows the distribution of BI information via different channels(e-Mail, EP), in different formats(HTML, Zip files, Bex Analyzer work books), of different sources(Web Applications, Bex Analyzer work books, queries) in different modes(online, Pre calculated). 98. Using Bex Information broad casting you can precalculate Bex web applications and store them as documents in Knowledge Management(KM). The precalculated web application contains historic data for specific times. These documents can be displayed as iView. 99. You can create links to Bex web application in KM. The Links show the current data from the BW report. In contrast to the Bex web application as iView, the call takes place indirectly through the repository manager for BW metadata. 100. Collaboration with Bex web application as an iView does not is not possible because a direct call takes place in the BW system and there is no representation in the KM as a document or link. 101. Collaboration can only be implemented with documents and links in knowledge management (KM). 102. You can precalculate workbooks and distribute them via email or publish them in a EP. 103. From a query the destination to which you branch is called Jump target. You need to have defined the sender/receiver assignment for the system to be able to offer jump targets. |
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