Explain About Non Cumulative
Key Figures
Non Cumulative key figures are nothing but the key figure which will not be cumulative depending on some characteristic values. You will find these Non Cumulative KF's while you extract the data from MM data sources. For example,you have a requirement of showing this month stock in the report. Means a key figure has not to be cumulated based on the char. While you create a KF, you will get the aggregation tab in the middle, there you have something called aggregation and summation aggregation. We put aggregation as summation and summation aggregation as last value. Once you select Non cumulative then it will ask for depending on what char this characteristic this KF has not to be cumulated. Non-cumulative with inflow or outflow! There has to be two additional cumulative key figures as InfoObjects for non-cumulative key figures - one for inflows and one for outflows. The cumulative key figures have to have the same technical properties as the non-cumulative key figure, and the aggregation and exception aggregation have to be SUM. You can evaluate separately the non-cumulative changes on their own, or also the inflow and outflow, according to the type of chosen non-cumulative key figure in addition to the non-cumulative. For Example Sales volume (cumulative value): Sales volume 01.20 + sales volume 01.21 + sales volume 01.23 gives the total sales volume for these three days. Warehouse stock (non-cumulative key figure): Stock 01.20 + stock 01.21 + stock 01.23 does not give the total stock for these three days. Technically, non-cumulatives are stored using a marker for the current time (current non-cumulative) and the storage of non-cumulative changes, or inflows and outflows. The current, valid end non-cumulative (to 12.31.9999) is stored in the marker. You can determine the current non-cumulative or the non-cumulative at a particular point in time. You can do this from the current, end non-cumulative and the non-cumulative changes and/or the inflows and outflows. Queries for the current non-cumulative can be answered very quickly, since the current non-cumulative is created as a directly accessible value. There is only one marker for each combination of characteristic values that is always updated when the non-cumulative InfoCube (InfoCube that includes the non-cumulative key figures) is compressed. So that access to queries is as quick as possible, compress the non-cumulative InfoCubes regularly Cumulative Keyfigures With Exception Aggregation: It's a 'normal' KF (with summation, min or max as aggregation behaviour), but you set some exception in this behaviour...for example, you can say that a KF, normally aggregated by 'summation', have to show the max value (or the average, or '0' or something else), that is the 'exception aggregation' when you use it in combination with 0DOC_DATE (or other char), that is the 'exception aggregation char reference'...in this case OLAP processor give to you the possibility to see your KF with different behaviour depending from whether did you use 0DOC_DATE (in our example, MAX) or something else (SUMMATION).
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