XIF Interface and Sale Transaction

Regarding XIF Interface and Sale Transaction in CRM

I am doing the ALE setup for CRM using XIF adapter of the CRM system.
I completed the ALE configuration in the CRM system using XIF interface to communicate with other system (In our case it is SAP SRM system).
When I create a sales transaction using transaction code CRMD_ORDER, the system allows me to save/create a business transaction even though I can see some basic error attached to it (since we are in process of CRM implementation and some master data like partner is not yet uploaded to the system).  At the same time I can see the BDOC number in SMW01.

What I don't see is any relevant OUTBOUND IDOC against the BDOC, even if I have configured it for the external system and I was expecting Outbound IDOC with error status.

Am I wrong in assuming that this should be automated?

I am using WE02 and WE05 to see my OUTBOUND IDOC and I have not found anything there.

Am I missing some step in configuration which is required for converting BDOC to IDOC?

The steps which I followed to configure the system are as follows:

1. Create a suitable RFC destination in the SAP IMG Define Target Systems for RFC Calls.

2. Create a logical system.

3. Create a receiver port (transactional RFC) in SAP IMG Define Port, indicating the RFC destination you created earlier.

4. Create a partner profile, for example, partner type LS.

5. Enter all outbound parameters for the logical system.

6. Create a site (transaction SMOEAC). To do this, select Object Type Sites and Create Object. Assign your site a suitable name and select Site Type External Interface for IDOC's. Assign the partner profile created previously as a Site Attribute.

7. Use object type Subscriptions to maintain a subscription for publication of the object with the predefined site.

8. Create an entry for the new site using XIF customizing transaction CRMXIF_C1 via F4 help (BDOC Type = <objname>, IF Type = 'CRMXIF_*_SAVE_M', Set relevant flag for complete Data and Return). The flag for complete data is only relevant for the objects "order", "business partner", and "business partner relationship". It flags whether only delta changes or the object instance should be transferred completely. The object "business document" is always sent
completely, regardless of flag status.


Suggested Answer:

There is a possibility that because of incomplete business data, XIF interface is not creating the corresponding IDOC.

I know for a fact that the R/3 interface is not called if there are errors. I'm not sure about IDOC interface, but if the behavior for all sites in SMOEAC isn't coherent; the interface will not be called.

Try sending the order with report CRMXIF_ORDER_TEST.

It uses functions CRMXIF_ORDER_MAPSEND & CRMXIF_ORDER_EXTRACT to extract the information and send it to the XIF site (be it an IDOC or an XML). If necessary, you can debug by setting a break-point on the functions and see if the
extract is performed.

Yes, "post it immediately" is correct (for tests at least).

Your problem could be related to the error you're getting in CRM. As I said earlier, at least for the R/3 interface, the errors would be the reason for the absence of communication.

In SMW01, if you select the BDOC corresponding to order, and press the "errors" button you should get two options:

'List errors and list receivers'. In the list receivers, make sure your XIF site is there, and in the error list, check for a line that says something like "No upload into <site>".


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