We have certain duplicate house banks in the system.
Now we want to clear them off, so that we can have a better control over
the bank activities including reconciliation.
Can we delete the house bank directly? Answer: It is possible to delete a house bank. First de-assign the GL account assigned to the account id. Delete all the account IDs. Then delete the Bank ID. By this way you can delete the house bank. The values are stored under the GL account and not under the house bank. Hence it is possible to delete the house bank once you de assign the GL account from the account ID. Do not delete the house bank directly. You need to do the below things:- (1) First make the GL account balance as zero for the duplicate house bank, e.g. by transferring to the original house bank. (2) Then block this GL master. (3) Then remove all the assignment of this duplicate house bank and account ID in FBZP (4) Close the check lot information for this house bank. Then this house bank will become ineffective, you can change the description of this house bank to “Obsolete” etc. If you delete this house bank, the effect will be that for check information, it will show with incorrect house bank. If not important in your case, then you can delete the house bank. |
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