How to configure settings for Inter Company asset
transfer? We have 2 different company codes under same client. We
want to transfer some assets from one company code to another company code.
Answer: Go to T.code ABT1N 1. Give transferring CoCode and asset number that you want to transfer. 2. Give the CoCode to which you want to transfer and select whether you want to transfer to an existing asset or create a new asset. 3. Maintain Acquisition from affiliated company and clear revenue sale to affiliated company accounts in AO90 for the contaicode to which you are transferring. 4. Maintain Company for both the company
codes in OBY6
Notes: To perform an actual transfer transaction instead of a retirement/acquisition transaction when transferring assets between Company Codes, do the following: 1.) From the IMG (T code SPRO): Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Transactions -> Intercompany Asset Transfers -> Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers -> Define Transfer Variants Create new Transfer Variant by copying variant "1" and changing the TTys for Relationship Type 1 from "230 and 153" to "350 and 360". (Hint: When defining new Transfer Variant use X, Y or Z) 2.) Within T code AO90 choose: Chart of dep. -> Chart of Accounts -> Account Determination -> Balance Sheet Accounts For each Account Determination define both the "Contra account: Acquisition value posting" and the "Clearing acct: Acquisition from affiliated company". This defines the intercompany account that should be used to transfer the Net Book Value between Company Codes. Now test your new Transfer Variant in ABT1N, and see if it's what you are looking for. |
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