Configuration Steps For Preparation
of GL A/C
Explain the steps for the creation of GL Account. --- Check all the configuration steps for preparation of GL a/c: 1. Define company T.code ox15 (its is necessary for consolidation purpose) 2. Define Company code t.code ox02 3. Assign company code to company t.code ox16 4. Edit chart of account t.code ob13 5. Assign company code to chart of account t.code ob62 6. Maintain fiscal year variant t.code ob29 7. Assign company code to fiscal year variant t.code ob37 8. Define posting period variant t.code obbo 9. Open and close posting period t.code ob52 10. Assign posting period variant to company code t.code obbp 11. Define document type and number range t.code oba7 12. Define field status variant t.code obc4 13. Assign company code to field status variant
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