Below are some questionnaire
you can ask your end users to gather information before your depreciation
Depreciation Creation of Reserves from Gain from Asset Retirement Questions: Q: 1) Under what circumstances do you intend to create reserves from profits realized on the sale of fixed assets? A: N/A now
Reserves Carry forward Questions: Q: 1) Do you create reserves for fixed assets? A: [ ]Yes [ x]No
Q: 2) If so, provide examples. How do you post? What are the reasons? A: NA
Depreciation Processing Questions: Q: 1) What are the methods of depreciation that you are currently using? A: Straight line for CO and
Q: 2) Do you calculate depreciation values to the day? A: No
Q: 3) In certain cases do you change over from declining-balance depreciation to straight-line depreciation? If so, when? A: N/A now
Q: 4) Do you want to allow negative depreciation for certain assets or categories of assets? If so, please specify. A: N/A now
Q: 5) Do you distinguish between a fixed and a variable depreciation portion? A: N/A now
Q: 6) How do you handle the period control for depreciation values? A: Monthly
Manual Depreciation Planning Questions: Q: 1) In which cases do you need to start depreciation manually? A: No
Q: 2) How often do you use the manual depreciation function? A: N/A now
Q: 3) When do you use unplanned depreciation? A: N/A now
Depreciation Posting Questions: Q: 1) Is it necessary, from a business point of view, to post depreciation directly to cost accounting? If so, which receivers are to be debited (for example, cost centers, internal orders)? A: Cost centers
Q: 2) How often do you intend to post depreciation to the general ledger and to cost accounting? A: Monthly
Q: 3) Do you post depreciation to assets under construction? A: No
Q: 4) To which account(s) is depreciation posted? A: List
Q: 5) Do you want to show interest only in reports, or do you want to post interest directly to cost accounting? A: Yes
Unit-of-Production Depreciation Questions: Q: 1) Do you use the unit of production method for certain assets? If so, please specify. A: Not now |
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