We accidentally closed period 12.20XX using Tcode
MMPV, is there a way we can undo the process?
Resolution: It is possible to re-open a previously closed period. However, it is NOT advisable to do so because the valuation data of the previous period could be affected. In general, it is only safe to reopen a previously closed
period when no material postings have been done after the period shifting
to the new period.
If you decide to proceed with this process, you can use the program RMMMINIT, but, please review the documentation of this program first!! and the check the SAP notes 487381 (for the error message that you are receiving) and the 369637 (for an explanation about the inconsistencies that will be generated. Steps are as below; - Go to Transaction Code SE38
That means, user can post for the month of Feb 2008 as well as Mar. 2008. Refer SAP Note No. 487381 for more details. As per SAP Notes 487381 (If the periods are opened in
advance in mmpv to again change it to current period the following process
should be follow), Go to Tcode MMPI,
then go to menu bar and select System -> User
profile -> Own data. In that screen , under the parameters
tab enter MMPI_READ_NOTE in Parameter
ID field and enter, then under short description you will get Initialize
period. Next Save.
Other way of doing it is follow these steps( But try this method in Sand box Only): 1. Go to OX18 and
delete the plants assigned to your CO.Cd and save.
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