Table Name Description Important Fields AUSP Characteristic Values MANDT / OBJEK / ATINN / ATZHL CO-KBAS Overhead Cost Controlling A132 Price per Cost Center MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS A136 Price per Controlling Area MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS A137 Price per Country / Region MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS COSC CO Objects: Assignment of Origina MANDT / OBJNR / SCTYP / VERSN CSSK Cost Center / Cost Element MANDT / VERSN / KOKRS / GJAHR CSSL Cost Center / Activity Type MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / LSTAR KAPS CO Period Locks MANDT / KOKRS / GJAHR / VERSN CO-KBASCORE Overhead Cost Controlling: General Services CSKA Cost Elements (Data Dependent on MANDT / KTOPL / KSTAR CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on MANDT / KOKRS / KSTAR / DATBI CSKS Cost Center Master Data MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / DATBI CSLA Activity Master MANDT / KOKRS / LSTAR / DATBI CO-OM (KACC) Overhead Cost Controlling COBK CO Object: Document Header MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR COEJ CO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEJL CO Object: Line Items for Activit MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEJR CO Object: Line Items for SKF (by MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEJT CO Object: Line Items for Prices MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEP CO Object: Line Items (by Period) MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEPL CO Object: Line Items for Activit MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEPR CO Object: Line Items for SKF (by MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COEPT CO Object: Line Items for Prices MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI COKA CO Object: Control Data for Cost MANDT / OBJNR / GJAHR / KSTAR COKL CO Object: Control Data for Activ MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR COKP CO Object: Control Data for Prima MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR COKR CO Object: Control Data for Stati MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR COKS CO Object: Control Data for Secon MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR CO-OM-CEL (KKAL) Cost Element Accounting (Reconciliation Ledger) COFI01 Object Table for Reconciliation L MANDT / OBJNR COFI02 Transaction Dependent Fields for MANDT / OBJNR COFIP Single Plan Items for Reconciliat RCLNT / GL_SIRID COFIS Actual Line Items for Reconciliat RCLNT / GL_SIRID CO-OM-CCA Cost Center Accounting (Cost Accounting Planning RK-S) – What is RK-S A138 Price per Company Code MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS A139 Price per Profit Center MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS CO-OM-OPA (KABR) Overhead Orders: Application Development R/3 Cost Accounting Settlement AUAA Settlement Document: Receiver Seg MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR AUAB Settlement Document: Distribution MANDT / BELNR / BUREG / LFDNR AUAI Settlement Rules per Depreciation MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR / AFABE AUAK Document Header for Settlement MANDT / BELNR AUAO Document Segment: CO Objects to b MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR AUAV Document Segment: Transactions MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlem MANDT / OBJNR COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rul MANDT / OBJNR / BUREG / LFDNR CO-OM-OPA (KAUF) Overhead Orders: Cost Accounting Orders AUFK Order Master Data MANDT / AUFNR AUFLAY0 Enttity Table: Order Layouts MANDT / LAYOUT EC-PCA (KE1) Profit Center Accounting CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table MANDT / PRCTR / DATBI / KOKRS CEPCT Texts for Profit Center Master Da MANDT / SPRAS / PRCTR / DATBI CEPC_BUKRS Assignment of Profit Center to a MANDT / KOKRS / PRCTR / BUKRS GLPCA EC-PCA: Actual Line Items RCLNT / GL_SIRID GLPCC EC-PCA: Transaction Attributes MANDT / OBJNR GLPCO EC-PCA: Object Table for Account MANDT / OBJNR GLPCP EC-PCA: Plan Line Items RCLNT / GL_SIRID EC-PCA BS (KE1C) PCA Basic Settings: Customizing for Profit Center Accounting A141 Dependent on Material and Receive MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS A142 Dependent on Material MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / WERKS A143 Dependent on Material Group MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / WERKS |
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