Where is the link between the two (Material Document
& Accounting Document)?
Resolution: You need to create a simple query using SQ01 The following are the steps on how to do it: STEP 1 SAP query way to extract your information. Create an infoset SQ02 with a single table MKPF. (include key fields in the field group) STEP 2 From Extras Create an additional field called zawkey (like bkpf-belnr)
which will concatenate the MM document number MKPF-MBLNR and MKPF_MJAHR.
The sequencing shall be number 1.
data: zzawkey like bkpf-awkey.
Add another field called ACCDOCNO (accounting document number) with sequencing number 2 with following code. data: zaccdocno like bkpf-belnr..
Step 3 Include the additional fields into the field group. STEP 4
STEP 5 Click on the selection tab and create a selection criteria pdate with a description Posting Date for the field MKPF-BUDAT Extras OBLIGATORY STEP 6 Save, Generate and assign the infoset to a user group. STEP 7 Create a SQ01 query under the user group with all the fields in the infoset and Execute. Enter a company code and one date of a working day where you expect material transactions. The result will be all the material documents and their corresponding accounting documents, if available. If you want to see only those material document that do not have corresponding accounting document, then while you are in the selection screen say accounting document number is not equal to blank.
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