Payment Processing

1) Your customer wants to clear minor payment differences for incoming payments automatically.
Which objects do you have to use to fulfil this requirement?

a. Tolerance groups for employees and tolerance groups for document types
b. Tolerance groups for employees and tolerance groups for customers/vendors
c. Tolerance groups for G/ L accounts and tolerance groups for employees
d. Tolerance groups for G/ L accounts and tolerance groups for customers/vendors

Which is the correct answer?


2) Which of the following statement is correct with regards to Residual payment processing?

a. It clears original invoice with incoming amount and create new line item for remaining outstanding amount
b. It leaves the original invoice amount and creates new line item for incoming amount

Which is the correct answer?


3) In which of the following processes do the original invoices remain as open items?

a. Residual payment
b. Partial payment
c. Charge off difference
d. Distribute difference

Which is the correct answer?



1) b

2) a

Residual items occur when a payment is made for less than the actual amount outstanding. Essentially, you clear the original open item, and the system posts a new open item for the remaining amount.


  1. To enter a residual item:
  2. Go to the Process Open Items screen.
  3. Choose the "Res. items" tab.
  4. In the "Residual items" column, enter the amount of the residual item.
  5. You can assign reason codes and reference information about the business partner to these residual items.
  6. Depending on the reason code, you can either post a new item to the business partner account or clear the difference.
  7. You can send a relevant payment notice to the business partner, based on the reason code.
If you need to go back to the standard screen for editing open items, choose the "Standard" tab.


  • When you post the document, the system records the document number, fiscal year, and item number of the original open item in the "Residual for" field.
  • The residual item will either use the terms of payment from the original invoice or the predefined terms of payment.
  • The payment terms used depend on the settings made for the tolerance group in the vendor master data.
  • Residual items can be entered and processed using the mouse.
  • If the remaining amount has to be assigned to a single item, this can be done automatically on the residual item screen.
3) b


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