These questionnaire gives you
an idea what kind of answers to expect from your business users.
Settlement of Asset under Construction Q: 1) Do you wish to manage "Assets under construction" in Asset Accounting? If yes, describe the capitalization process. Yes, it will flow from PS Explanation:
Q: 1) Classic asset under construction or investment measure A:
Q: 2) What is the timing for the capitalization process? A: Immediately upon transfer to use
Q: 3) With respect to capitalization, are you bound by specific laws? A: [ ]Yes [x]No
Q: 4) Is it possible that an asset under construction is capitalized as a low value asset? A: Not possible now
Q: 5) Do you intend to use summary settlement or line item settlement for assets under construction? A: Facility
Q: 6) To which receiver(s) do you settle assets under construction? A: Asset
Q: 7) Do you use partial capitalization? A: [x]Yes [ ]No
Q: 8) What kind of information flow do you have for when an investment measure is completed and the asset under construction is ready for settlement to the final asset? A: Technical completion
Q: 9) Do you display down payments to assets under construction separately? A: [x]Yes [ ]No
Q: 10) What kind of information flow do you have for the settlement of down payments? A: BG related information
Post-capitalization Questions: Q: 1) What circumstances make post-capitalization necessary in your enterprise? One amount on the asset should have a different depreciation start date than the original asset. Explanation: For example: Someone neglected to capitalize an asset (if so, for what reason?) - One amount on the asset should have a different depreciation start date than the original asset - Other. A: Delays in capitalization should have facility to capitalize
with retrospective dates.
Q: 2) How do you intend to post post-capitalization: - Gross, that is, with historical values (APC and depreciation)- Net, that is, depreciation begins on the posting date using the net book value. A: No
Q: 3) Do you want to post to a separate sub-number for post-capitalization? A: Not required
Write-up Questions: Q: 1) Do the value of your assets appreciate, and if so, do your ledgers need to be adjusted? A: It is possible
Q: 2) Describe the reasons for a fixed asset revaluation, the process used, and give examples of the assets which are to be revaluated. A: If there is one, it will be based on professional technical
valuation and done periodically
Reposting Questions: Q: 1) Is it necessary to transfer assets from one company code to another? N/A now Explanation: Settings for company code transfer A:
Q: 2) Do you sometimes split an asset into one or more new assets? If so, please specify. A: N/A now
Q: 3) Do you transfer between different asset classes? Give examples. A: N/A now
Q: 4) Is the changing of an assigned cost center or a business area, for example, a reason for a transfer posting? A: N/A now
Q: 5) How do you find out about necessary transfer postings in asset accounting? A: N/A now |
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