Question: I had run a cost estimate for a material and marked and released it for the current period. But the material underwent a few master data changes and I wish to perform the Cost run again with the same costing variant for the material in the same period. The system is not permitting me to do this and gives me a message "CK 171 Material xxxx in plant xxxx has a released cost estimate". How can I perform the cost run for the material in this case? What changes are required before I can execute the cost run with the same costing variant? Answer: There are how you can try to re-run the release cost estimate: Reverse the cost estimate with CKR1.. Select "Current cost estimate", enter Plant/Mat No and execute. Re-run from CK11N once reversed. or Use transaction CKR1 to delete the Standard Cost created. In Control Parameters , using " Current Std Cost Estimate Tab". and execute. After that run CK40N / CK11N again and mark and release the material. Notes: 1. You can cancel the cost estimation through CKR1 and recreate cost estimation through CK11N. 2. But system won't allow you to release the cost twice in the same period through CK24. That's the standard behavior of system. 3. You need to change the price manually through MR21 (this is not recommended but it is a work around).
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