By : Mohammad Imran
( imran3108@gmail.com ) 1. How is CRM and R/3 differ from each other? R/3 is an integration of different application suits. It has its own architecture and way fo functioning. CRM is all about maintaining the relationship with a customer. It is supposed to enhance the profit of the company or organisation since the ultimate goal of any company is profit. Therefore CRM is one step ahead for their goal achievements. SAP R/3 is a 3 tier based client/ server based application. One layer is presentation layer (Client) which interfaces with the end user. Second layer is application layer for all business - specific requirements (Program), and third is database which contains all information and records about the system, including transcational and configration data. SAP R/3 has been developed in it's own language called ABAP (Advanced business application programming). Different modules of SAP R/3 are - FICO, MM, PP, SD, IS, AM, HRMS, SCM, SEM, WM etc. Where CRM is under a business mySAP Business Suit collection (SRM, CRM, SCM etc). 2. CRM Software Sales Force Automation
eCRM or Web based CRM
Customer Service
Partner Relationship Management
3. Advantages of CRM Using CRM, a business can:
The types of data CRM projects collect
1. What is Business Process Management - BPM? Business Process Management or BPM, is the practice of
improving the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization by automating
the organization's business processes. BPM used to be also know as Business
Process Reengineering (BPR).
In order to use BPM effectively, organizations must stop focusing exclusively on data and data management, and adopt a process-oriented approach that makes no distinction between work done by a human and a computer. - The idea of BPM is to bring processes, people and information
The following example illustrates the power of BPM: When a B2B partner needs some inventory, he can log into the web site and order required inventory. An email will be generated and sent to the supervisor responsible for the partner's inventory. The supervisor can click on the link in the email, login to the site and approve the inventory. The partner will be notified of the allocation and the inventory will be shipped. |
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