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Choose the variable which can be used to determine the screen modifications for master data. A User Group
1) I am running Indian payroll, wage type /130 is not generated, while it should be populated during execution of Rule IN70. Can any body help me in solving the problem? Ans) Check if the HRA, conveyance and other exemptions are being calculated in. The payroll run, they would move into this wage type and not your custom Wage types. The calculation of these exemptions depend on several other Settings 2) What are dynamic actions and how to configure it? Ans) Dynamic actions are performed automatically by the system, depending on certain conditions. If maintaining one infotype has an effect on another infotype, the system automatically displays the second infotype for processing. Dynamic actions can run in the background i.e. the user does not see the run on the screen. A change in one field of an infotype might require, that certain other infotype be updated at the same time. The details can be specified as a dynamic event. It is automatically triggered by the system. *Examples: * The Personal Data infotype is newly created, and the Number of children field is filled. Once the record is saved, the system automatically displays the Family/Related Person (0021) infotype and the Child subtype (2) for processing. An employee is hired, and the probationary period is entered in infotype Contract Elements. Once this information is saved, the system automatically displays a record from the Monitoring of Dates (0019) infotype and the subtype Expiry of probation (1) for processing. 3) What are the Questions asked for PAYROLL in INTERVIEWS? Ans) Please find the questions below: 1) What is the importance of offcycle payroll? 2) What role does the control record play in pay roll? 3) How do you calculate Retro accounting amounts? 4) What is symbolic account? 5) What is the difference between payroll area, payscale area and personnel area? 6) How do you identify a different wage types? 7) What features do you come across in payrolls employee attributes and CAP PCR. establish the relationship among them? 8) What are the infotypes required for a payroll process? 9) What is the difference between Indian and us payroll? 4) Can any body tell me, how to add the custom
reports in Manager's?
Ans) Are your reports based on the HR logical data base (LDB). If so then the customization is straightforward to pass the relevant data to the selection screens. Else you will need to pass this through a function for which you may need an ABAPer. You also need to look at the authorization issues for the reports in case it is not using a LDB 5) Is infotype 185 country specific, can it be maintained for India, and will it affect the payroll if it is maintained? Ans) We maintain subtypes in table v_t591a. Goto tcode
sm30 -> v_t591a ->
6) We created an Appraisal Template now I want to assign it with one Employee or ESG. How I can do this integration and where. What is the next step after this? Ans) Either you can establish the relationship between the position and the Appraisal Template. Otherwise can restrict the appraisal template based on PSA... However there is no standard setting for restricting the Appraisal template on ESG 7) What is knowledge transfer in sap hr module? Ans) Knowledge Transfer is a general terminology. It means that you disseminate the knowledge what you have. Say you are teaching one module to other person. You are the giver and the other person is the receiver of knowledge. The process is Knowledge Transfer. You are transferring the subject what you know. KT is not specific to any module. *OR* KT in SAP is the knowledge transferred to a reliever who is to take over your responsibilities so that he/she knows what all you have done shouldering the same responsibility. It is done in order to minimize the knowledge gap between the two sides, and facilitate the reliever to carry on the baton from where his/her predecessor leaves. It might be in the form of transferring the soft copies, hard copies of the various documents, verbal one or a written one to make it more formal. 8) What would be basically my roles where I need to provide support or what kind of specs do I need to face. Pls give some examples. Ans) You are working in Payroll and Benefits, your role can exactly defined after seeing what your Business is doing, are you processing payroll through SAP or you are processing through third party and down load through SAP. In payroll mostly you will get the issue of authorization, and check which all infotypes are going to effect while running the payroll. any issue occur, you need to check the infotypes and while downloading check the fields and verify the data , check the programme and wage types also , whether they are maintained properly etc. 9) Can anybody give some examples of tickets in OM, PA.? What are the tickets you will get in support project please provide me with solution? Ans) If any issue, user raises the ticket. Suppose in OM, org tree is not visible and in PA updation of master records, wage type permissibility or any issue. Relating to the same. If you have any payroll down load happening, that gets affected due to this infotype. We need to look into as an urgent matter. 10) I am trying to assign an employee on the system to ESS user profile and the message I get is personnel number 00000001 does not exist. [When this employee has full record on the system and is an active employee] What am I doing wrong? Ans) IT 0185 can be used for India payroll. This is for pan no, gratuity. This will not affect payroll. *OR* We maintain subtypes in table v_t591a. Goto tcode sm30 -> v_t591a -> select maintain -> it will ask you for infotype for which u want to maintain subtype maintain -> in your case it is 0185. *OR* Check his Infotype 105 and see if there is a valid record for the employee. 11) I am facing problem in Infotype 0019/ Monitoring of task. Pls help me in doing IT 0019 working, the system is not giving the reminder on set date, is it require some other settings also. Pls let me know what all settings need to be done for this infotype? Ans) In table V_T531 mention the Lead Follow-up Time and the Units. Like say you want to set the Reminder for 3 months or whatever from the Task Date. This setting will default the Reminder Date. 12) What is diff between simple maintenance and detailed maintenance? 13) What is an Export mode and how do you use it and what for? 14) How many structures are there? 15) What is an Task and how do you assign? 16) Can diff positions an be assign to one job? 17) What is the diff betwwe job and position? 18) What is tcode for org unit? 19) What is an org'l plan? 20) What is cost center and work center...and diff? 21) What is the diff between infogroup and infotype and how do you use and Where? 22) How can you create infotype? 23) What is personnel action? 24) What is Dynamic action and what for? 25) What is period parameter and modifier? 26) How do u config OM and PA? 27) What is Personnel area and can we create multiple personnel areas? 28) How do you activate an employee in IMG? Tips by : Bhushan |
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