During the execution of payroll, 'Personnel Calculation
Schema' (created using Transaction: PE01) is used to calculate the employee's
salary. The schema comprises of funtions (created using Transaction: PE04),
inorder to incorporate cutomer specific calculation routines during execution
of payroll, SAP allows you to create payroll functions in customer namspace
(Starting from Y or Z).
Step by Step creation of SAP Payroll Funcitons: 1) Follow the menu path
2) During the execution of payroll some tables are filled
with wage types and there amounts
Input Parameters
and same shall be done in the Output Paramters if required. 3) Create an include in the program PCBURZ990 (using Transaction:
*Example of the subroutine *------------------------- FORM FUZIABC. *enter the code ENDFORM.4) After this activate the program the Funtion and add it in the schema used for payroll processing. Khusro Habib
Also See
SAP Human Resouce Books
SAP Human Resource Tips
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