1. How can you create new objects in org. mgmt?
A. To create a new object go to OM -> Basic Settings -> Data Model enhancement - > Create Objects their relationship and TC. 2. Can you assign a job to another job, and a position to another position? Explain. A. We have to assign Position to Job. Because Job is General (Eg: Manager) and Position is Specific (Manager -Hr). We can relate two Positions like Reports to, subordniate... 3. What do you mean by assigning priorities to positions in recruitment? In orgn. Mgmt.? A. In which Priority the applicant can apply for Position. 4. What is meant by an enterprise structure? (I said it comprises of Company code, Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea, but the panelist says, he's not satisfied with the answers. Do I need to add anything else to this answer?) A. You have to explain the full concept of Enterprise Structure and how it related to Employee Structure and where we assign this to Employees, and for what purpose we defining the Ent structure. 5. How many co.codes can you assign to a personnel area? How many pers. Areas can be assigned to a company code? Explain. A. Co Code can contain any number of PA, but one PA must contain One Co Code. Because Co Code is the legal entity of the company, using which the FI people draw various statements like BS, PL account. 6. What is the IT to store educational establishment types? Why do you need them? Do educational certificates and branches of studies come under the same IT? A. IT0022. To maintain the educational details of the employee. 7. What is the IT store employee's previous industry sector? A. IT0023. 8. What are dynamic actions? Where do you configure them? A. Dynamic Actions are automatically trigerred by the system when certain actions met. Eg: If you enter no of Child as 2 in IT0002, the system automically triggers the IT0021, subtype Child to enter the details, Otherwise it wont trigger the IT0021, if you didnt mention any value in no of child in IT0002. Same like that we can configure Dynamic Actions depends on our need using the path IMG->PM->PA-> Customizing Procedure -> Dyn Action. or by using Table T588Z. 9. What is meant by work schedule rules? A. WSR is used to define your WS for a defined period. It Comprises your EE Subgroup,PWS, HC. We can default the WSR using the Feature SCHKZ for your grouping. 10. Today is a holiday, and is paid, where do I do specify such type of things? A. Using Holiday Class and Day Type. 11. What is meant by counting classes? A. Counting Classes are used to define your various Counting rules for your A/A types. 12. What is the feature used to create a personnel no. How do you create a personnel no.? A. NUMKR. Using the Tcode PA40. 13. What are the features connected to Organizational Assignment? A. ABKRS, VDSK1,PINCH. 14. What is the feature IGMOD used for? A. It is used to define your Infogroup. 15. What is meant by valuating of base wage types? A. USed to valuate your WT, if it depends on some % of other WT. Say HRA is some 20% of Basic. 16. What is meant by day types? A. Day types used to determine the particular day is payment relevant or not. 0 - Work/Paid, 1 - TimeOff/Paid, 2 - TimeOff/Unpaid, 3 - TimeOff/Special. 17. What is meant by Applicant Status and what are the reasons? Why do you need them? A. Applicant Status denotes the current status of the Applicant, say Screening, On Process, On hold, Rejection and we have to define various reasons for each and every Status. Say why the Applicant Status is OnHold. 18. In which IT do you assign an applicant to a vacancy. Where do you assign that status? A.Status we can assign using the TCode PB40. 19. How do applicant actions differ from applicant activities? A. Applicant Actions can same as above like Rejected, On hold, On process. Activites can be what are all the various activites perform for each activity for the Applicant. 20.What are the ways to transfer applicant data? What is the difference between them? A. PBA7 and PBA8. 21. What is the difference between prebooking and booking? A. Booking is the actual booking of Attendee for an event, Prebooking is used to check whether the Attendee already booked for the event. 22. Tell me something about the IT Payroll Status A. IT0003 is used to define the current payroll status of the employee like released, exit. We can lock the personnel number using the IT0003. *-- Omprakash |
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