Inline - Java - Callback Description

Inline::Java::Callback 0.52 description

Inline::Java::Callback is a callback into Perl from Java. 


use Inline Java => <<END ; 

import* ; 

class Pod_caller extends InlineJavaPerlCaller { 

public Pod_caller() throws InlineJavaException { 


public String perl() 

throws InlineJavaException, InlineJavaPerlException { 

return (String)CallPerlSub("main::perl", 

new Object [] {}) ; 


my $pc = new Pod_caller() ; 

print($pc->perl() . "n") ; # prints perl 

sub perl { 

return "perl" ; 


Inline::Java::Callback allows you to call Perl functions from Java. To do this you need to create an object. Here is a example of a typical use: 

use Inline Java => <<END ; 

import java.util.* ; 

import* ; 

class Pod_regexp extends InlineJavaPerlCaller { 

public Pod_regexp() throws InlineJavaException { 


public boolean match(String target, String pattern) 

throws InlineJavaException { 

try { 

String m = (String)CallPerlSub("main::regexp", 

new Object [] {target, pattern}) ; 

if (m.equals("1")){ 

return true ; 

catch (InlineJavaPerlException pe){ 

// $@ is in pe.GetObject() 


return false ; 


my $re = new Pod_regexp() ; 

my $match = $re->match("Inline::Java", "^Inline") ; 

print($match . "n") ; # prints 1 

sub regexp { 

my $target = shift ; 

my $pattern = shift ; 

return ($target =~ /$pattern/) ; 

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