Java Control Statements

1) What are the programming constructs?

Ans: a) Sequential

b) Selection -- if and switch statements

c) Iteration -- for loop, while loop and do-while loop

2) class conditional {

public static void main(String args[]) {

int i = 20;

int j = 55;

int z = 0;

z = i < j ? i : j; // ternary operator

System.out.println("The value assigned is " + z);



What is output of the above program?

Ans: The value assigned is 20

3) The switch statement does not require a break.



Ans: b.

4) The conditional operator is otherwise known as the ternary operator.



Ans: a.

5) The while loop repeats a set of code while the condition is false.



Ans: b.

6) The do-while loop repeats a set of code atleast once before the condition is tested.



Ans: a.

7) What are difference between break and continue?

Ans: The break keyword halts the execution of the current loop and forces control out of the loop.

The continue is similar to break, except that instead of halting the execution of the loop, it starts the next iteration.

8) The for loop repeats a set of statements a certain number of times until a condition is matched.



Ans: a.

9) Can a for statement loop indefintely?

Ans : Yes.

10) What is the difference between while statement and a do statement/

Ans : A while statement checks at the beginning of a loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur.

A do statement checks at the end of a loop to see whether the next iteration of a loop should occur. The do statement will always execute the body of a loop at least once.


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