// Program to test the Time class
public class TestTime
public static void main ( String args[]) throws
int h, m, s; // variable for the time class to
int menu; // for the switch
String answer; // for the do while loop
String x; // used for reading in values
// sets up in as the buffer reader
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.flush(); // clears the system ready
for use
// start of the do while loop
to allow the user to go around and around
System.out.println("Please use the menu
below to choose your input types");
System.out.println("Menu : ");
System.out.println("Enter 0 if the default
time is to be set");
System.out.println("Enter 1 if just the
hours are to be set");
System.out.println("Enter 2 if the hours
and minutes are to be set");
System.out.println("Enter 3 if the hours,
minutes and seconds are to be set");
x=in.readLine(); // reads the users input
menu = Integer.parseInt(x);
case 0: // default time
System.out.println("No parameters
were selected and the default time is selected");
Time t1 = new Time(); // initialises
a new instance of the Time class
System.out.println("The default
time is " + t1.getTime() + " or " + t1.get24hrTime());
case 1: // one parameter
System.out.println("You have
selected to enter one parameter");
System.out.println("Please enter
the hour for the clock between 0 and 23 "); // prompts the user for the
x=in.readLine(); // reads the
users input in
h=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string to an integer
Time t2 = new Time(h); // initialises
a new instance of the time class
System.out.println("The time
you have selected is " + t2.getTime() + " or " + t2.get24hrTime());
System.out.println("The Hours
entered were " + t2.getHour());
case 2: // two parameters
System.out.println("You have
selected to enter two parameters.");
System.out.println("Please enter
the hour for the clock "); // prompts the user for the first variable
System.out.println("Enter a
value between 0 and 23");
x=in.readLine(); // reads the
users input in
h=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string into an integer
System.out.println("Please enter
the minutes for the clock"); //prompts the user for the second variable
System.out.println("Enter a
value between 0 and 59");
x=in.readLine(); // reads the
users input in
m=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string to an integer
Time t3 = new Time(h,m); // Initialises
a new instance of the time class
System.out.println("The time
you selected is " + t3.getTime() + " or " + t3.get24hrTime());
System.out.println("The Hours
entered were " + t3.getHour() + " and the minutes were " + t3.getMinute());
case 3: // three parameters
System.out.println("You have
selected to enter 3 parameters");
System.out.println("Please enter
the hour for the clock "); // prompts the user for the first variable
System.out.println("Enter a
value between 0 and 23");
x=in.readLine(); // reads the
users input in
h=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string into an Integer
System.out.println("Please enter
the minutes for the clock"); //prompts the user for the second variable
System.out.println("Enter a
value between 0 and 59"); // read the users input in
x=in.readLine(); // reads the
users input in
m=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string to an integer
System.out.println("Enter the
seconds for the clock"); // prompts the user for the third variable
System.out.println("Enter a
value between 0 and 59");
s=Integer.parseInt(x); // converts
the string to an integer
Time t4 = new Time(h,m,s); //
initialises a new instance of the class time
System.out.println("The time
you have selected is " + t4.getTime() + " or " + t4.get24hrTime());
System.out.println("The Hours
entered were " + t4.getHour() + " and the minutes were " + t4.getMinute()+
" and the seconds were " + t4.getSecond());
System.out.println("Please select
a number between 0 and 3");
System.out.println("Enter Y to continue or
anything else to stop ");
answer=in.readLine(); // reads the users
input in
} while(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));
}// ends the main
}// ends the class |