(For Array.java, Array2.java, Array3.java)
Structure of Java Arrays The Java array depicted above has 7 elements. Each element in an array holds a distinct value. In the figure, the number above each element shows that element's index. Elements are always referenced by their indices. The first element is always index 0. This is an important point, so I will repeat it! The first element is always index 0. Given this zero-based
numbering, the index of the last element in the array is always the array's
length minus one. So in the array pictured above, the last element would
have index 6 because 7 minus 1 equals 6.
Java Array Declaration An array variable is declared the same way that any Java
variable is declared. It has a type and a valid Java identifier. The type
is the type of the elements contained in the array. The [] notation is
used to denote that the variable is an array. Some examples:
Java Array Initialization Once an array variable has been declared, memory can be allocated to it. This is done with the new operator, which allocates memory for objects. (Remember arrays are implicit objects.) The new operator is followed by the type, and finally, the number of elements to allocate. The number of elements to allocate is placed within the [] operator.
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