Why Java isn't 100% Pure OOP?

Why Java isn't 100% pure oop?


While Java isn't a 100% pure OO language;

it is object-biased--it certainly isn't a MultiParadigmLanguage?.

At any rate, the list of Java's sins extends well beyond it not being an object.

Pure Object Oriented is a technique of programation that use principally  these therms:


If you understand Object Oriented means (and you are not new to java), you can understand what these terms means.

I'll tell you only that java can "extends" and "implements" object;

Java has private, public, protected (not friend) "flag" for declaring and using variables and objects;

In java you can declare 2 (or more) methods with the same name and the same number of parameters, but the parameters must be of different kind.
And so on. (no virtual fun & pointers)

The peculiar specification of java is his bytecode that could be executed over different machine on which running a JVM.

Operator overloading, Multiple inheritance are not supported

Mithun (Arun)

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